Migrating to a non-Muslim country
Q: What do the Ulama say if a person wants to migrate and go to a non-Muslim country to live?
Q: What do the Ulama say if a person wants to migrate and go to a non-Muslim country to live?
Q: Is it permissible to pay someone to pray qaza e umri on one's own behalf or on the behalf of someone who is dead. Please answer both the scenerios
Q: If a shafi'ee performs i'tikaaf in the last 10 days of Ramadhaan and breaks it with or without an excuse... will that day/days have to be made Qadha of outside the month of Ramadan?
1. What is the best type is Topi to wear?
2. What is the best type of Kurta to wear?
Q: Is using the Masjid as a pathway from one side to the other haraam or makrooh e tahreemi or makrooh e tanzihi?
Q: Is it permissible to use musallahs with pictures of Kabah, Hajr-e-Aswad etc. on it?
Also is it permissible to personalize a musallah with an Islamic name on it or is it disrespectful because it goes on the ground, and most have names of Prophets and Sahaabah etc.
Q: Mufti Saheb, I was forced by my family to divorce my wife by writing on a page and signing that I am giving her three talaaqs. My family threatened to beat me up if I did not comply. Hence, I was forced to write the following: “I, so and so, am giving my wife three talaaqs.” Are the three talaaqs which I wrote valid or is my wife still in my nikaah? I did not verbally issue the three talaaqs.
Q: A person has the habit of making duaa individually after fardh salaah. He thus delays his sunan for approximately 10 minutes. What is the sharee ruling regarding this? Will this be makrooh?
Q: If someone in the group makes salaam, does everyone have to reply or if one person reply's is it sufficient?
Q: The following has occurred and I am not sure if it counts as my zakaat being fulfilled.
We have a neighbor who is a worthy recipient of zakaat. My parents were in the process of helping them amend some part of their home when my zakaat became due. I had informed them of it and so my mother gave the man who is doing the fixing, the money to buy the tools and materials with the intention of zakaat for our neighbor. It was not given to the man doing the fixing in lieu of his labour but rather for the material needed to fix our zakaatable neighbors house.
Is my zakaat considered as valid ?