Colour of discharge changing
Q: A girl experiences a white discharge everyday. When discharge dries it turns yellow. Is this Istihada? Is she considered ma'zoor?
Q: A girl experiences a white discharge everyday. When discharge dries it turns yellow. Is this Istihada? Is she considered ma'zoor?
Q: If a woman sees brown discharge during and after 15 days of her haidh finishing (tuhr period), but she knows this brown discharge won't last for the minimum 3 days and it's not like how her usual haidh is, does she still have to stop salah?
Q: A woman is currently in Makkah Mukarramah. She has completed her umrah etc. and she spotted just once after Zuhr Salaah. Since then, she has not seen any blood or spotting and more than 24 hours have passed. She has completed more than 15 days of tuhr and it could be her haidh. What does she do? Can she perform tawaaf in this condition?
Q: What is the ruling regarding smoking and vaping?
There are a lot of youngsters who occupy themselves with these acts and justify their actions by quoting muftis old fatwa about cigarettes/vapes. They say that it’s not haraam, but only makrooh. Hence, they do it. They say things like it makes them feel good and relaxes them when they’re stressed out, but isn’t this a form of intoxication?
Q: Is it permissible to attend a mendhi ceremony/party or is it imitation of non-Muslims?
Q: The zakaat payable on stock items for sale is it on the market price, cost price or sale price?
Q: Is marriage considered as an ibaadah?
Q: Is it haraam to play soccer or cricket with the awrah covered and only amongst men even when I make time for ibaadat and follow fardh and sunnat?
Q: If someone in the WhatsApp group makes salaam, does everyone in the group have to reply or if one person replys its okay?
Q: Is it permissible to consume naturally brewed soya sauce?