Repenting from homosexuality

Q: My best friend commited a major sin, he committed homosexuality. I told him that it’s a very big sin and Allah punished the people of Lut (alaihis salaam) for this sin. I told him that he needs to repent and turn back to Allah. My question is, does Allah forgive homosexuality?

Informing one's in-laws about one's past

Q: I have been married for a few years and have children. When the wedding talk was happening, my in laws to be were told that my dad married twice and has children with both wives. They reacted negatively and almost used this reason to stop the talk. Due to their negative reaction, I didn't disclose that my mother was married before and has two children from her previous marriage. But after the wedding I only told my husband. Now, I'm scared of telling my in laws as they are very old fashioned and traditional. I am still in contact with my half-siblings (I'm sure their feeling are hurt by this). What is the Islamic ruling in this situation. I have no secrets from my husband.

Stray thoughts

Q: I am so lost I cry everynight for guidance for a little sign from Allah and I beg Allah to help me but nothing ever happens. I begin to wonder if, when you die, that's it, the end. What if Allah is not there but somthing else is?

Also, would you advise to stop watching videos online as they have misguided me and my iman before.