Receiving a fixed percentage from an investment

Q: I have a question on putting investment.

We have a group of around 45 people and each guy is putting a total of 1200 AED for 1.5 years. And one guy among us is buying a Limo Taxi to run as per Government Rules and every month he will be giving us 15% of the money after his expenditures like room, food, etc.

Total 55000AED only will be from our group of people, and remaining cash needed-the guy who is purchasing the car will be arranging. As per him, he will be paying back monthly to Emirates Transport, a Government Authority, the cash he will arrange. We asked any interest in that, he said he is not sure about it.

We will be getting 15% from the 55000AED amount we are investing, and this is fixed percentage, and the amount may increase or decrease based on how much work he will get with his taxi. But the percentage will be same 15%.

I would like to ask you, if in the amount we are investing there is no interest, will it be haram for us? Because, in the amount this guy is arranging, he may be paying monthly to Authority with interest.

Becoming an events organizer

Q: I am planning to start my career in the field of event organizing. I may get events in which there may be unlawful gatherings, intermingling of sexes, and other haram stuffs that may be involved. Can I take such contracts ? What if I do not mix into the gathering or support the setup of any haram products such as alcohol. My part would be merely to supervise and look after the decoration of the venue and related jobs?

Working for a company that educates poor people about banking

Q: I have a question regarding working for a non-government organization(NGO). The name of the organization is swisscontact. This organization does not work for profit. They work in many sectors like, health, education, earning and so on. One of their work is to make awareness of the banking facilities to the poor who do not hold any bank account and unable to do regular banking activities.

I may get a job offer in this organization. My job will be to hire agents who will work in the field level to educate people about banking activities. My job will be to manage these agents who will create awareness among people about conventional banking. Conventional banking may include savings account, savings schemes, loans, etc.

There will be some banks who will have a contract with my organization (swisscontact). This is a project based work and it is donor funded. My organization doesn’t earn from the bank or interest. This organization runs its operations from donor money. Can I work for this Company in this role?

Water splashes on toilet seat

Q: I wanted to ask that when doing istinja sometimes the water used whilst washing may go on the toilet seat, either at the back or the front of the toilet seat, these can be splashes to drops of water. Are these pure or impure? Also when tried to wash the seat because of this, the water used to wash it then goes on the floor so does this make the floor impure and is it enough to wipe the floor with a sponge? Please help as I don't want to make the bathroom najis.

Keeping good names for children

Q: Can we select some good name to name a child like that of a Sahaabi (Radhiyallahu Anhu) by ourselves or is it necessary to ensure that the given good name (like that of Sahaaba kiraam) is suitable for child. Actually, some of my friends say that even if you select a good name for the child, you have to consult a religious teacher who will check whether it is suitable for him, it should not be heavy on him, it should not affect his health or personality. Kindly clear this doubt.

Dealing with a dominating family

Q: How to deal with a dominating family? Basicaly my mother is always undermining a divorcee daughter and always ignoring what she enjoys etc. No respect for her. etc. How do we build the ties? The daughter has moved to her own place but the problems are still there and it's damaging the relationship. The daughter tried talking to her siblings and the parents but it's ignored. In Islam it's important to have family ties etc. what's the best approach?