Dua after Durood in Salaah

Q: Is the following commonly recited dua after durood thabit?

اللهم اغفرلي و لوالدي و لأستاذي و لجميع المؤمنين و المؤمنات و المسلمين و المسلسلات برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين

Issuing talaaq on the phone


1. If a man does not remember that he divorced his wife or not, does talaq takes place?

2. If a man utter the word talaq e.g. usne bola talaq talaq talaq and the wife is on the phone and she heard it? Does talaq takes place in both situations even when the man does not want give her talaq?

Washing impurity from one's clothing

Q: My dress got soiled with stool and while I was washing it, my dress touched my body/thighs before squeezing the water from my dress. Then I continued washing my dress and squeezed it which means my dress is clean now. But this wet dress touched my body/thighs which became naapaak first and I did not wash it because I wanted to wash my dress first. So now did my dress become naapak again? If yes, so how many times should have I washed it - one time or three times? What if I have washed it only once and wore again and sat, slept, etc. Do I need to purify all the things?

Children watching videos in school

Q: I have a question regarding my little brother who is going into a Islamic School in Chicago. He is only 7 years old. In his Islamic school they show kids Islamic/non-Islamic videos of animate objects on the screens, sometimes for educational reasons and sometimes for fun. I know watching these things are not permissible but in his case what should one do to stop this evil? How should this matter be approached?

Also his school has qualified teachers that are teaching there from the Deobandi school of thought. When we can't change their mindset then due to him being only 7 years old, is it permissible to participate in these kind of things. Also we are left with no choice of putting him into any other Islamic school because the situation is much worse and the government wants every child to be in school. If the answers can be mentioned in detail that would be highly appreciated.

Speaking ill about an Arab

Q: I recently had an argument with my friend. I read an article about Prince Muhammad bin Salman calling Trump the Muslims best friend. I told my friend that I think he's such a sellout. My friend responded by saying that it was improper for me to say so as Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said it that was not permissible to say anything bad about an Arab and it was impermissible to hate them.

Doubts about hurmate musaaharah

Q: I was sitting and reading Quraan and thoughts about hurmate musaahara came to my mind. I'm really scared to shake my father hands. I don't have no feeling for him but the thought comes now that is my step mums  and dads nikah valid? I was sitting and reading Quraan and this thought and image came in my mind that I was young, in my teens probably, and my dad was lying down and he had on a lungi.Probably the lungi was open and I was sitting by the leg side and from the bottom, when he widened his legs I could see the testicals. Does my step mums nikah break with dad? I can't even remember exactly but I'm not even sure if i saw the testicals or penis, but obviously I won't have no lust for him.I don't think there was even lust but I'm just getting these thoughts if dads nikah is valid.

Taking out interest bearing student loans


1. What is the status of permissibility with regard to student loans? Here in Australia, we have the option of paying back all or some of the loan, but it has some form of interest (indexing) applied to it. These loans are usually taken out by university students.

2. What about those who have already taken out a loan and do not wish to pay back? The Australian law requires a re-payment of the loan incrementally in the form of income tax, which only becomes mandatory if and when the debtor is earning above a minimum yearly salary.