Sincere tawbah

Q: I have a friend who entered an unlawful relationship about 7 months ago. She ended the relationship after two months due to the guilt. She feels very impure and cries a lot about her sin. She claims to believe in Allah's forgiveness, but is unable to bear herself. She breaks down a lot and feels like she is no longer a good and pure woman. She also feels like it is wrong to put it behind her. Is it possible that Allah has wiped away her sin and purified her?

Method of giving up watching TV

Q: My parents have always guided me away from certain sins and I would say that they are Islamically inclined in that they read all salaahs, abundant Quran and stay away from most sins. However, the one habit I've noticed that they seem unable to give up is their addiction to watching television. They watch Indian soapies and Hollywood/Bollywood movies till late at night. Sometimes I think they fall asleep with their TV switched on. Sometimes they will be watching a funny video or an interesting movie while I am getting something from their room and they'd tell me to come and sit down and watch with them. I have just recently begun cutting tv out of my life and as much as I want to watch as well, I feel guilty while doing so. What dua can I read so that my parents will stop watching TV and will get more hidayat? And what can I read to strengthen my willpower so that I will not get tempted to watch TV or commit any other sins?

Uneven haircut

Q: I am a boy. When I go to the barber shop, I ask him to cut my hair short on my sides and the back of my head. But I ask him to keep the front hairs relatively bigger than those at the back. Is it permissible or must all the hairs be cut equal from all sides?


Q: If a man passes away leaving behind his wife as his only inheritor, how would the inheritance be distributed? Would it make a difference if he also had a maternal aunt (mother's sister)?

Authentication of a Hadith

Q: Kindly inform me if the following is authentic : In a Hadith Qudsi, Allah Almighty says: O son of Adam, do not fear those who have authority over you as long as My authority is enduring, and My authority never runs out. O son of Adam, do not be afraid of a tight livelihood when My treasuries are full and My treasuries never run out. O son of Adam, do not ask anybody else except Me and I am yours, and when you ask Me you find Me; but if you ignore Me, I will turn away from you, and you will miss the whole good. O son of Adam, I have created you to worship Me, not to play, and I ensured your sustenance so that you do not torment yourself (by worrying about it — let the physical parts of your body work but your heart and mind be in peace by putting your trust in God). I swear in My Power and Might, if you’re satisfied with what I apportioned for you, I will give your mind and body peace, but if you will not be satisfied with what I apportioned for you, I swear in My Power and Might, I will make you run after the world like the beasts run in the wild, then you will have nothing except what I had apportioned to you, and you have been disgraced. O son of Adam, the creation of the seven heavens and the earth did not fatigue Me, will passing you a loaf of bread cause Me to tire. O son of Adam, I did not forget whoever disobeys Me; how will I forget whoever obeys Me, and I am a Merciful Lord, and I have power over all things? O son of Adam, do not ask Me the sustenance of tomorrow as I did not ask you the work of tomorrow. O son of Adam, I love you so it is My Right that you love Me.

Islamic TV channels

Q: I have a question that watching TV is not allowed in Islam then why so many Islamic tv channels. Why we are watching Islamic knowledge on TV? Why so many people create videos of Islamic knowledge and upload it on YouTube and other sites? I hope you will give me answer.

Covering up for missed fasts

Q: I had 7 days that I needed to payback from Ramadan 2015 due to monthly menstruation. In Ramadan 2016 I missed paying back those 7 days and I did not participate in Ramadan 2016 because I traveled to Africa. For first time my intention was to pay back my fast there in Africa being the time would be less hours to fast and I usually leave it until 2 weeks prior to Ramadan. I was not able to fast or pay back missed fast because I found out I was pregnant and became sick with fever, nausea and no appetite. What do I do now that I have missed all those days of fasting and now I'm still having irregular bleeding on and off and I'm breastfeeding my 2 months old baby?

Drinking from a bottle

Q: Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) say that if you drink from a bottle or a container, you will get poor. e.g. If I am the only one going to be drinking from a 2 liter bottle and no one is going to be drinking after me, is this a hadith?

Parents forcing one to divorce one's wife

Q: I am a male 36 years old. I was first married to my cousin 9 years ago and currently having 2 kids with her, 8 and 6 years old. Few months back I got married to a girl. This girl is from my family and is an illegitimate girl. I didn't know about her past and what zina her parents did. Her parents got married afterwards giving birth to her in 5 months after wedding. I have no issues as I believe that she is innocent and all fault goes to her parents. My parents do not agree to this marriage and are forcing me to leave her and the sole reason they are giving is because she is illegitimate. They are forcing me to a level saying to either leave her (divorce her) or leave them or they will kill themselves. I am in deep issues as I don't want to leave her in the middle of nowhere. I can fulfil rights of both the ladies as well as my kids and have offered them to keep any guarantees whatsoever.