Replying to salaam correctly

Q: A known person to me sometimes greet me as Assamualekum without la in it, clearly. Sometimes I reply to him in forgetfulness Walekum assalam, instead of Walekum. Then I realize that, and don't know what to read as a counteract to that. Could you please tell me what to do at that times?

Fasting while travelling


1. I have read that one can only miss his fast if one is a traveller at sehri time. What will be the ruling of an individual who is travelling abroad but his  light is at afternoon time (meaning he is still at home at sehri time)?

2. If that person needs to fast, how will he do Iftar because different countries have different iftar times.

3. Also, will putting Vicks under the nose and sniffing it throurg out the day break one's fast? I have read that it doesn't because it does not have a body. Will that have the same ruling if one was to sniff Vicks from a tissue (i.e. putting some vicks on a tissue and then inhaling the subtance form the tissue?

Taking a loan on interest

Q: I work with a company and its operate a cooperative where any employee can be saving any amount from his or her monthly salary. And one can choose to collect loan and he will pay 10% interest of the amount he collected over period of time. Then at end of every year the 10% interest collected from those people that collect loan will be shared among the people that are saving money in the cooperative including those that collected loans and paid the interest. So my question is; is the transaction halal and the interest one paid and received?

Washing clothes in a washing machine

Q: Please can you tell me if all my laundry clothes are pure or not. I did a washing machine laundry in a western washing machine with 4 rinse and spins but one item which was soiled with sweat left residue of possibly the sweat itself or the washing powder/conditioner. I am really worried now and I feel as though all my other clothes won't be clean and then my namaz won't be accepted or that through wetness I may be transferring impurity everywhere. It's difficult to do the whole laundry again as it takes over an hour to wash it and don't want to endure problems with family memebers as to why i am rewashing clothes. I'm worried because although none of the clothes had any major impurity I think, there maybe possibility there was. Please advise if my laundry clothes are pure or not.

Washing mazi off one's clothes

Q: Today after I finished ghusl before the Friday prayer, while I was taking washed clothes from the wardrobe, I noticed mazzi stains on a washed underpants. I rubbed it with my nail and with a small amount of water, that water touched my trousers and body. Did I need to do anything more and should I wash my trousers and body too?

Drug addict issuing talaaq in anger

Q: Want to ask if a man is really really angry and he is a drug addict. In bad anger he doesn't know what he is doing. Then he say 2 talak to woman and woman didn't hear it. Some family member heard it, then what? Man is fully on heroin for the last 20 years and he said it in anger. It was bad anger. After we mention it to him that he said that, he said that he doesn't know. Is it acceptable or not? 

Written talaaq

Q: My husband has given me talaaq on bond paper three times. Furthermore he has written, upon saying to his parents that I can remarry after completeing iddat. He was not fulfilling my rights. Now he is saying he was doing all this to put me underpressure. I am feeding his child, is this talaaq valid? Although I love my husband very much I dont want to leave him.