Not following a mazhab

Q: People in my area follow different imams and they claim that their act is correct and perfect than the other. They also say to me that you follow one imam only, reply to them that I will follow what is there is in Quran and sunnah (hadith-sahih + sanan+ other books-with references) irrespective of following one imam and making sects (as said in Quran" Vo ati ullaha Vo ati ur rasula") and they don't fluctuate w.r.t time as it is followed by prophet in times. Am I correct in this case of following Quran and hadith(also includes imams +sahaba+mufti+fuqaha) or following a single imam?

Changing one's surname

Q: I was born without a father. He took off before I was born. I only saw him once, I was 16 years old then. No financial whatsoever. My mother raised me alone. They were married but the marriage was annulled when I was 8. We live in the Philippines where Democracy is the law. We are Moslems but because of my father's absence while I was growing up, I was given a surname that is of my mother's. I know its not permissible but I was a kid back then. Now I have my own family. I need to file for my children's correct birth certificate. I ask authority that if its allowed I'd have my husband's name and last name as their middle name and surname respectively. However, our government doesn't allow things like that. I know in Islam it is not permissible to attach the surname of your mother to the names of your children. But our government requires us. Now, my problem is, if I have to attach my surname as their middle name, am I somehow commiting a sin? Using my wrong surname(my mother's last name) as their middle name is a sin already but the fact that it is a wrong surname makes it even more complicated. I cannot just change my surname because of some pertinent documents. If I do, my children might not be able to receive whatever our government has to offer them thru me. Should I just let them use my surname as their middle name since even if I change it to my original surname (my father's), it doesn't make it right in Islam. Allah Ta'ala knows, I tried convincing them, citing that in Islam children are supposed to bear their fathers name and surname but they won't let me. Please help. I am going to send my kids to school but their records are not set right.

Women studying in universities

Q: I read your answer about women studying in universities. You say its not good? Why? Islam never stopped womens rights. Me and my friends study in university in abaya. We never talk to boys unless its necessary. But you are saying it is bad, it is haram. So that means women should not go to universities? I know many people who bound their women in houses and don't allow them to go for education. I am very sad after reading it. That means women don't have right to go and study if she likes to study and men can do anything? Why? Men can marry the girls too who are not Muslims?

Performing salaah in the musjid before going to the taraaweeh venues

Q: In the month of Ramadhaan, there are many jamaats for Taraaweeh salaah in our area. Taraaweeh salaah is performed in homes, garages, factories, etc.

Certain people do not perform the Esha salaah in the musjid, but rather perform it at the venue where they perform the taraaweeh salaah. As soon as the time of Esha enters, they perform their Esha salaah and then commence their Taraaweeh salaah. In our area, the musjid is close to the venues of these taraaweeh jamaats.

Is it correct for the people to perform their Esha salaah in the taraaweeh venues or should they perform their Esha Salaah in the Musjid and thereafter proceed to their taraaweeh venues?

Being careful in one's speech

Q: A 15-year-old adult girl was misbehaving with her mother. The mother said to her (in Urdu), “Allah Ta'ala is watching you”. The daughter replied in a sarcastic tone (in Urdu), “Well! Allah Ta'ala is watching me! (Urdu: Acha! Allah mian mujhey daikh rahay hain!). Then the mother said (in Urdu): “Allah Ta'ala is listening”. The daughter replied again in a sarcastic tone (in Urdu): “Well! Allah Ta'ala is listening to me! (Urdu: Acha! Allah mian sun rahay hain!). The question is: is the ‘eman of this girl valid after saying these sentences? If the 'eman is invalid after saying these sentences, what is she supposed to do to revive her ‘eman? What about her salats, fardh Hajj, fardh fasting, etc.?

Reciting durood when hearing the blessed name of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: I had heard that whosoever does not send durood on the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) when they hear the prophets name, they are cursed by Jibrel and Ameen was said by the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Is it correct? Now if  its is, then what are the rulings if we hear the name of prophet in namaz (Salah) from other people? And while listening to Qur'an in Salah And what if we were reciting Quran and we heard the name of the prophet? Could you please tell me.

Saving oneself from harm

Q: I am a student. Alhamdulillah I have whatever Allah has given me. In my hostel life, people from different rooms and floors comes to me asking for things? I reply with the truth, by saying I have that. Then they ask me to use it. Since I cannot say no, I lend them, but they never return it back to me. As I am a student I have a particular amount of money from my parents to spend for requirements. Now I have decided to tell them I don't have it (here my intention is that I don't have anything to give you, not that I don't have that thing), can I tell them like that? Else what can I do?

Son becoming an athiest

Q: I have a few question and worries that has been troubling me for the past few years and I am not able to find a proper answer so far and I am not able to put this in the right order.

My eldest son is a very brilliant student. I have tried my best to provide him with forms of educations including but not limited to religious and modern education. He had been an awardee for many scholarships. After High-school he cleared the NDA (National Defense Academy) examination in air wing, however, he was not able to join it as the call letter came very late due to some political unrest in our state (Manipur, India) at that time. He was really frustrated after this occasion as this was his dream to fly.

Later after a couple of year, he got selected for "bachelor of technology" in a reputed collage (engineering course). Almost all the problem started off from hear.

Though he was given complete education on Islam, he began denouncing the faith. He also stater smoking lots of cannabis and Alcohol in the college. He seems very frustrated all the time during those period. It may also have been due to a girl he used to like back in his teens. He got a little deranged and got the orchidectomy(self performed) saying he would become a woman and that he have felt like a woman trapped in man's body. I withdrew him from the college after this instance and consulted a psychiatrist for any mental disorders. He had been on medication till recently.

He then joined another collage and graduated in economics. He appeared for the UPSC civil services exam (the top most exam in India for intact of personal in the various governmental department) twice but failed to clear the mains on both occasions although he have cleared the preliminary written test both of the times. He now works for and governmental insurance company as an agent manager. He dresses like a woman and is a supporter of the third gender.

Lately he has shifted his view to ward the line of being an atheist or an agnostic. Because of this I have cut all my ties with him and also from the fear of the society. He is opposing "All" religion citing reasons like he has a brain and used it like non other who are blinded by faith. He further complain that there is a lot of plot holes in all the religious scriptures and that they are all fabricated.

Now, My question is, I do not understand why he is turning into this. He was given proper Islamic education from a very young age and he used to practice obligatory prayers when he was a teenager. What mistake did I make in raising him that he opposed the lord? I am loss of what to do. What will be his fate in the afterlife? Did i do the right thing by cutting all ties with him. Please advice any Islamic and legal way that I can adopt and what relation should I maintain with my son at this point in time.

Building a structure around a grave

Q: My father had passed away almost a month ago. I am living abroad that is why I was late by two days for janaza due to delayed flights. My family kept him in mortuary. He was a patient of heart and blood cancer. My mom was worried that this is too long for him to be in the mortuary and probably body will start deteriorate by the time I will get there. But when I went back, he was as fresh as he was sleeping. I did the janaza ghusal by myself and my younger brother. Everyone was very astonished that even after two days, he was looking as if he is sleeping keeping in mind the issue of cancer and other diseases he had. We did the janaza and came back.

I and my brother wanted to give his grave a two tier boundary so the land will become solid as it is looking unstable and uneven from the outside. We want to put marbles boundaries or in other words making its structure boundary solid. Once I remember he said for someone else that he do not like a tomb on graves.

I dreamt that we are again taking him home from mortuary with my same friend and van. But this time his body fell apart in pieces, his hand came off and his upper body and lower body came apart. we put him like this on the stature and taking him home. Every one was saying that this is expected and calm down. Then suddenly he was replaced by a really handsome/beautiful man sitting and talking with everyone.

Please suggest us can we make the sides of the grave solid with bricks and marble but not like big tomb but just 10 inches boundary on all sides like a rectangle. As this is a rainy season and land is so soft and not tidy and strong.