Parents are responsible for their children

Q: Nowadays kids dont tend to listen to parents. They always want it there way either by staying in their own bedroom or come down with the family or even they are meant to be studying but they dont want to and if they do they'll do it when they want even though advising them etc. So in this case what should one as parents do? Do they let them be how they want and just keep advising them. What should be done? Also what should be done if the parents and child argue because of that?

At what age should girl get married?

Q: I am a 19 year old female and would like to know

1. What is the right age for a Muslim women to make nikah?

2. According to the sunnah how should a woman find a spouse?

3. Why do the Ulamaa say its best for a pregnant woman to read Surah Maryam and Surah Yusuf during her pregnancy?

4. What are the benefit of reading those surahs?

5. Are there any ahadith saying that married women should live/stay with their in laws?

Discarding or burning papers that contain the name of Allah Ta'ala, etc.


1. How should we discard the papers/school books/note books having words written like Allah, Allah's names or ayahs etc.?

2. Which words need to be given respect and removed from before throwing away the books? Are the words Quran, Rasool, Nabi, Muhammad or any Surah's name to be discarded with respect?

3. If we burn them, can the ash be thrown anywhere?

Translating the Hadith incorrectly

Q: I came across a hadith muttafaqun alay about the slandering on Ayesha (Radhiyallahu Anha), after that it was said that the behaviour of Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) towards Ayesha (Radhiyallahu Anha) changed and he used to say 'how is that one?' which hurts Ayesha (Radhiyallahu Anha) very much, when she didn't know about her accusation.

Can you please explain to me why would Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) have uttered these statement and what does it really mean? It is confusing me very much.

Marrying one's cousin's son

Q: I am a woman. I have received a marriage proposal from my maternal cousin for his son. My query comes here as I have never considered him with any other feelings except as a son/nephew as he born to my cousins sister. And now my doubt is as I have felt him as my nephew/son, is it permissible for me to marry him? Will my marriage with him be accepted by Allah? Earlier I have considered him as something else, and now I am entering into Nikah with him.

Performing Salaah on the plane

Q: With regard to travelling on the plane and the time of Salaah setting in particularly Maghrib. Often there is a clash between time of Salaah and the passengers busy seating themselves making it difficult to go to a space and perform Salaah. Otherwise the direction of qibla may be difficult to face.

Lastly is it permissible in such circumstances for a person who is completely fit to sit and perform Salaah in his/her seat?

Trying to change one's life

Q: Reason why I'm emailing you is because I need urgent help. I have major hypocrisy in my heart with lots of maradh. I dont know what to do or where to even start! Please help me, this hypocrisy started 7/8 yrs ago when I fell in doubt with my religion and ever since then my life has been very miserable, I been through alot and it still hasn't changed me. Allah has given me lots of trials and I keep failing. I am also a hafiz of the Quran which makes this matter very serious. Up until now I got very scared as I've read the hadith from the prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that most of the hypocrites of the ummah will be the Quran memorizers. This has scared me, do I have any hope of my hypocrisy to be forgiven if I repent sincerely. Again the key word is sincerely, I also have lots of arrogance and pride, I try to change it but its too difficult. I'll change for maybe like a few hours or even a day but then I go back to how I am. How do I change this for good? I am also very heedless, I think bad about Allah but I don't want to. I want to be back to normal like I how I was when I was younger. I have all the traits of the hypocrite, I lie everytime, sometimes I don't even realise I'm lying, I break promises, I have arguments, I have a big ego, I want all this to change. I also have riya but I dont know where to start. I try but its too difficult, can you please give me advice on where to start and can you also please give me advice, everytime I try to change I try to be a perfect Muslim but its too much to handle, I know we have to take it easy step by step but I overburden myself by trying to be the perfect person and everytime I do this I fail, within few hours I'm back to sqaure one!!! Im tired of this, I have gotten nowhere in life, life has been ups and downs, no self development, living life mostly depressed but i dont know what im living for, please please can you help me, I want to be submit my soul humbly to Allah but its too difficult, what can I do? I want to be a genuine person not a liar!!! This is very serious!!! Im an outward muslim but inside im not a believer, please help me.

Showing kindness to one's wife and mother

Q: I have a question regarding the wife and mother. There is no problem between my mom and my wife, my wife just dont want anybody to come to our house for living. My mom is very sick and I am taking care of her in my house as being her child. I did not ask my wife to take care of my mother except cooking regular food which is normal. I am having such a big problem for no reason, she is not talking to me nor talking to my parents. I am not happy with my wife.

Can you please guide me what sharia says about this case or what should I do, should I let my mom get sick or let my wife go?