Wazifa for sustenance

Q: I am looking forward to start my own business. I have different options but i cant focus on any one. I am lacking a decision making ability. Please give me a wazifa or amal so that the best option for my duniya and aakhira could be opted.

Joining Salaahs

Q: Is it permissible for Hanafis to join the congregation combining two Salats during rain, storms, etc. as it is practiced in some countries? If it is permissible, are there any conditions like severity of the weather etc. to be fulfilled?

Missed Sunnats for Fajr

Q: When I woke up for fajar and after I performed wudhu there were 3 minutes left for sunrise. I therefore performed only the 2 rakahs fardh fajar and did not offer the 2 rakah sunnah. Was I correct?

Should I offer the 2 rakahs sunnah later?

Bathing the mayyit with hot water

Q: I read in an online fatwa that "In Faatawa Shaamiyah, it is stated that when bathing the mayyit, water should not be too hot as the mayyit also feels pain and is harmed just as the living."

Since this indicates that the mayyit is sensitive for temperatures, does it mean that he may also be harmed when his body is placed in the Mortuary Fridges, where the temperature is cold? Does his feeling end after burial, or will he also feel the cold earth, the insects physically biting him etc?