Wazifa for aafiyat
Q: Where I work, they want to get rid of all the staff and replace with new staff. Is there any dua, wazifa I can read to change their minds and not lose my job.
Q: Where I work, they want to get rid of all the staff and replace with new staff. Is there any dua, wazifa I can read to change their minds and not lose my job.
Q: I live in UK. My husband is here on a spouse visa. He is not having any luck getting his passport back because he is facing appeal. Can you give me some dua to recite so he wins the appeal?
Q: I missed my esha jamat just because my parents wanted to go somewhere? For their happiness I missed it. However when I reached there, I went to masjid and prayed alone namaz. Am I sinful?
Q: Quran par hath rakh k kasam khana ki saza kiya h aur kufara kiya h? Aik admi ager paisoan ki khatir Quran pr hath rakh k jhoot bolay to uski saza kiya aur kufara kesay ada krna h?
Q: Please advise:
1. Is there a link between the Fardh Salaat and Rizq?
2. Is there a link between Rizq and acts of impermissible lust/immorality?
1. What is the meaning of the name Mustansar?
2. Is the name Mustansar permissible? If the name Mustansar isn't permissible, is it compulsory to change it?
1. Are you allowed to call a kafir mad behind his back?
2. I heard a person on a phone call calling someone who is a kaafir mad behind his back. Should I do nahi anil munkar?
Q: If one sees someone keeping the tap open during wudhu which is very common nowadays should one do nahi anil munkar?
Q: My father passed away leaving behing 50lac pakistani rupees. Can you please guide how it will be distributed among the heirs as per their share.
1 widow
3 sons
2 daughters
How we distributed this wealth was:
1 widow = 625,000
Each daughter = 546,875
Each son = 1,093,750
Kindly guide how we distributed is correct or not?
Q: My husband and me were happy at the beginning when we newly got married. Many people were jelous of our couple. We have had black magic done on our families many years ago. Is there any way we could remove blackmagic if someone has done it on me and my husband? How would I know and how would we remove it?
Then there came a point where my husband is using the word talaq and signing papers to me with no intention gesture alluding to us. His now always threatening to leave me and tells me how much he hates me and how his forced to be in the smae room as me and with me and now he has left for 2 weeks. After two weeks he puts an act on infront of my father showing remorse like he always has but never had meant it as I've forgiven him a number of times but his always stubborn on the wrong. We have not allowed him to enter this house and I have said you could only have me and my son if you by a house not because of money etc but to make him know the responsiblity of being a father and husband. Is there any wazifas or duas I could read? What should I do?