Tying the hair into a bun

Q: "Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radiyallahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “There will be two groups (in my ummat) who will be punished in Jahannum. These two groups I have not yet seen (i.e. they will emerge after my demise). One group will carry whips with them resembling the tails of cattle, with which they will (oppressively) lash the people. The second group will be those women who will wear clothes yet they will still be naked (i.e. tight fitting or flimsy clothing), they will attract men to themselves, and they themselves will be inclined towards them, their heads will resemble the humps of the Bukhti camels (i.e. they will wear buns which will be high like camel humps). They will not enter Jannah nor smell its fragrance, despite its fragrance being able to be perceived from a great distance away."

It is not permissible to wear high buns? I make a high bun when I'm sleeping because of the hair getting into my face. My hair is tied in a ponytail the rest of the day. Should I stopping making high buns at night?

Women wearing diamond rings

Q: It is written that "Women are permitted to wear silver and gold rings. They are not allowed to wear any other type of rings besides silver and gold. Apart from rings, women are allowed to wear all types of jewellery, whether gold, silver, platinum, imitation, etc."

Is it not permissible to wear diamond rings as well?

Predictions of astrologers

Q: I am 22 yrs old. I am in love with someone. I know this word doesn't have any meaning in our religion but I want to get married to him and my every salah includes this same dua. It is so happening these days that I came across 2 astrologers who predicted that I may not receive the life I wish. I completely do not want to believe in these things as I believe its all in the hands of Allah and its He who can do anything possible but these two incidents have disturbed be totally that I do not know what to do. 

Mother forcing the son to divorce his wife

Q: I need your help. I got married by my mother. She chose my wife for me Alhamdulilah but my mother now wants me to divorce my wife because they say she sleep with men and call her names and when she is very sick they say she fakes it and get between our problems even my aunt's want her to come over to clean the house and do work for free but I tell my wife not to because I believe that's wrong. So they tell my mother she don't listen and they keep telling lies about my wife. My big brother tells me to divorce her even tho he has never seen her. She's in morocco and I live in the U.S with my family and I'm fixing my wife's papers so she can come live with me inshallah. Also she prays and has patience and always tells me it's not your fault, Allah is testing you just be patient. Alhamdulilah it's because of her I'm still with my family. So what should I do, should I obey my mother and divorce her or should I move away when my wife comes inshallah and I respect my mother? My mother is very very very jealous and tough on me and always talking bad about my wife and calling her bad names. My mother even says if you have kids with her you are not my son and if I have a son she will never see me and him again and keeps yelling at me and telling my big brothers to tell me for divorce and they force me but Alhamdulilah I'm patient and I tell them I don't talk to her no more because I don't want to deal with the headache. So I keep me and my wife secret until she comes. Should I do divorce because my family wants or should I move away and contact them time to time?