Circumcision for a new Muslim
Q: If an adult male reverts to Islam, is it compulsory for him to have a circumcision done?
Q: If an adult male reverts to Islam, is it compulsory for him to have a circumcision done?
Q: In Salaah, when sitting in jalsa position, is it sunnah to sit on the left foot with the right foot raised and the toes of the right foot facing the qiblah? The question is when sitting on the left foot is it also a sunnah to have the toes of the left foot facing the Qiblah?
Q: First Part: Flat In year 2013 ago Mr. Ahmed Khan booked a flat in Regent Plaza by paying the amount of 23 lac rupees to two estate agents (Mr. Aslam & Mr Waqar). Both of them ran away by handing the possession of the property to their third partner (Mr. Kamran). Mr. Ahmed Khan went to court and as a result of compromise with third partner (Mr. Kamran), Mr.Kamran paid 22 lac rupees of the flat to Mr. Ahmed Khan in 2016 when that flat was worth almost 50 lac rupees. Second Part: Shop After the compromise, as Mr. Ahmed Khan had suffered loss of 28 lac rupees and mental torture, He therefore prepared fake documents of a shop in the same building ( Regent Plaza) so that he can recover amount from all three estate agents who are business partners. [Two of them, Mr. Aslam and Mr. Waqar are still run away but are in contact with Mr. Kamran.] Mr. Ahmed Khan sold those documents to Mr. Wali khan who is influential person, who guaranteed that he will try to get recover amount from Mr. Aslam , Mr. Waqar and Mr. Kamran. Mr. Ahmed Khan was asked to give cash amount of 2 lac rupees by Mr. Wali khan so that he can use contacts and intelligence agencies for the work. Mr. Ahmed khan paid 2 lac cash to Mr. Wali Khan and Mr. Wali Khan issued the cheque of 20 lac rupees to Mr. Ahmed that work is guaranteed and he will take possession form 3 estate agents. Mr. Wali now, cannot accomplish task. Is it Halal for Mr. Ahmed Khan to take that amount of 20 lac from Mr. Wali Khan?
Q: I was involved in a major car accident. I was admitted to hospital and underwent major surgery. When I claim from the RAF, can I claim for loss of income?
Q: I was recently asked to join a group on whatsapp with 29 other people, where they would make a Quraan khatam every two weeks. Each person would be given a para to read within 2 weeks. Every two weeks a khatam would be made with the intention of each person getting reward.
Q: My question is regarding divorce. My wife used to talk to a person. I told her that if she talks to that person again, our nikaah will be broken. Now I have realised that I should not have said that and want to allow her to talk without our nikaah being broken. What can be done?
Q: In order to create more space in the Musjid for Musallees on the occasion of Jumuah, we ask all the Musallees to move forward one step. The problem is that those Musallees in the first saff who are in line with the Mimbar, when they step forward, they have insufficient space for sajdah and thus make make sajdah on the step of the mimbar.
1.Is the Salaah of these Musallees valid?
2.If the Salaah is valid, is it Makrooh for them to make Sajdah in this manner?
3.In these circumstances, is it permissible to leave a gap in the first saff in line with the mimbar?
Q: Is it permissible in Islam to abort the fetus before 120 days or 90 days?
Q: Are parents allowed to stop their children from going to the Musjid?
Q: A woman had some gold jewellery worth of giving zakat. She sold all her jewellery and started constructing a house for herself and her brother who also invested some percentage in the house and not even 50 percent is completed and she has ran out of money for house completion. Is she eligible for zakaat and can she utilize the money for construction?