Tear coming out due to pain

Q: In the English Behishti Zewar, it is written that "Similarly, if there is pain in the eyes and they are sore, and in addition to this they water or tears come out, then too wudhu will break (as in the case of pink eyes). But if there is no pain in the eyes nor are they sore, then wudhu will not break by the mere flowing of tears." Does this mean that the wudhu breaks when we slice onions?

Lying in a job interview

Q: My question is regarding lying on a telephone interview for a university application. I had a telephone interview for computing course. I initially applied for a different course for which I got accepted with an unconditional offer. When I decided to change I had a telephone interview and the Head of department asked me as to why I didn't retake my GCSE Maths Exam as i had a D. I don't know how was it impulsive or due to nervousness I said that I was working full time. So he said ok and asked about my other qualification which is the main one BTEC I.T. He was satisfied and gave me an unconditional offer. So the lie is that I actually have retook my GCSE Exam and Got the same Result. I was certain that I had put it on my original application but it seems I didn't. To my shock I said the lie. I was actually working though pretty much full time. On Registration the Uni only took my BTEC cert. Am I sinful? Will my earnings be Halaal?

Mother remarrying

Q: My husband and I have a daughter Alhamdullilah and Allah has blessed us with twin boys who will be born soon In Shaa Allah. I am stuck as to what to do. My mother who has decided to marry again this will be her forth marriage but this choice has made both myself and my sister very unhappy we are heartbroken about it as she has before gotten married without our knowledge. Now this time she has told us that she made this choice and did not ask our opinion or how we felt. I know it is Sunnah to be married, but this decision has caused so much pain to my marriage as well as my husband is always saying really bad things about her and I am constantly having to pick sides. I cannot find a way to solve this I am suffering but cannot explain to my husband that she is still my mother and I need to respect her but what if I can never accept her decision to marry again. I don't want my children to suffer as well and I am afraid this will cause her to not meet with her grandchildren. May Allah guide in this difficult time. Based of the above. Is what my mother is doing correct by choosing to marry over the heartbreak of her children?

Changing one's name after accepting Islam

Q: I was Hindu and married a Muslim guy and converted now. I want to know is it mandatory to change name to Islamic name? I heard many YouTube scholar speeches where they say it isn't necessary to change the name. If it doesn't have any bad meaning of something related to other religion, my name has no bad meaning nor it is Sanskrit name. It isn't Hindu name at all and it doesn't associate any other gods names too. Please reply, they have changed my name for marriage purpose and have affidavit but I don't want to get it changed in documents as I also heard that we can visit mecca by just having proof of conversion and affidavit and marriage certificate. Please advise. I'm emotionally very much attached to my old name.