Looking after one's mother

Q: I have a question relating to a child's obligation toward parents. I want to ask question relating to family vacation or social activity. If a wife and husband work jointly to pay for a family vacation and the mum wants to go on holiday as well, I have a question:

1) Can a credit card or credit facility be used to fund the mum's holiday?

2) Can the mum travel without a mahram if she is over 60?

What is the obligation of the son in this regard? Can he politely decline the payment of the holiday due to inadequate funds and also disallow the holiday as no mahram is present? Will the son be punished in the eyes of Allah for doing this? Also what happens when the money one's son gives to a mum on debt and that is being used to buy lavish gifts for the other son and his family? What happens in essence if a mum thinks a child has the financial means and expects all expenses and holidays to be paid for when a child in essence is living on finance?

Secret Nikaahs


1. Is there a difference in nikaah and marriage?

2. Is it permissible to have a nikaah with someone else even when you are married?

3. Is it compulsory to have permission from wife and children (all well grown up) to have nikaah with someone else (due to total / negative and un acceptable cooperation in life from wife)?

Hadith explanation

Q: Well we know that there is no whale beneath earth? Here is the explanation from تفسير Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn Abbas

And from his narration on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of Allah's saying (Nun): '(Nun) He says: Allah swears by the Nun, which is the whale that carries the earths on its back while in Water, and beneath which is the Bull and under the Bull is the Rock and under the Rock is the Dust and none knows what is under the Dust save Allah. The name of the whale is Liwash, and it is said its name is Lutiaya'; the name of the bull is Bahamut, and some say its name is Talhut or Liyona. The whale is in a sea called 'Adwad, and it is like a small bull in a huge sea. The sea is in a hollowed rock whereby there is 4,000 cracks, and from each crack water springs out to the earth. It is also said that Nun is one of the names of the Lord; it stands for the letter Nun in Allah's name al-Rahman (the Beneficent); and it is also said that a Nun is an inkwell. (By the pen) Allah swore by the pen. This pen is made of light and its height is equal to the distance between Heaven and earth. It is with this pen that the Wise Remembrance, i.e. the Guarded Tablet, was written. It is also said that the pen is one of the angels by whom Allah has sworn, (and that which they write (therewith)) and Allah also swore by what the angels write down of the works of the children of Adam.

Looking at videos

Q: I uploaded a video of Maulana Tariq Jameel Saheb in which he mentions the ancestry of Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وسلم up to Adam علیه السلام but a brother messaged that there is no Saheeh Sanad of the ancestry up to adam علیه السلام and ulama have prohibited to explain the Ancestry.

1) Kindly Guide me.

2) If there is any Saheeh Sanad then do let me know about that also.


Q: Are prawns categorized as fish and if not what are they and will this make them halaal, makrooh or haraam?