Proposing for marriage
Q: What is the best way to propose marriage? I am afraid I might get rejected, so I want to approach with confidence and calmness.
Q: What is the best way to propose marriage? I am afraid I might get rejected, so I want to approach with confidence and calmness.
Q: I am a qualified secondary English teacher. Is it permissible for me to teach Muslim children about Shakespeare and the fictional content of English literature? I am worried that I will be accountable to Allah Ta'ala for what I teach to children.
Q: I have a husband who suffers from anxiety and depression. So he has his highs and his lows. I just want to know since he is mentally unstable does he has the right to issue talaaq because when he in a depressive state I am always threatened with talaq. He is on medication for his illness.
Q: I just want advice regarding my husband. Don't know what to do. When I go out with him even when I smile at a cousin brother, he gets annoyed and tells me I am committing a sin by smiling at men. Please advise me what is right and wrong.
1. I wake for fajr twenty minutes before sunrise and I pray 15 minutes before sunrise. I am a bit depressed now that I can't get up earlier. If you pray fajr fifteen minutes before sunrise, is my fajr valid.
2. If a person misses a salaah intentionally, should it be made up or not?
Q: I am a Muslim (guy) college student. If I study to become a Physical therapist for the sake/pleasure of Allah:
a.) Will Allah accept it?
b.) Does my going everyday to school become a worship (Ammal)?
c.) Does my studying of major subjects,exams,quizzes day and night become a worship?
d.) Can this become a source to gain the pleasure of Allah? And also can this act be included as one of the good deeds that can make me enter Jannah?
Q: I have heard that if a person takes an oath that “If I do this or do not do this, I will become a Kafir forever”. The person becomes a kafir if he or she swore the oath with the belief that he or she would adopt kufr upon its non-fulfillment. Is this true? I would be very grateful if you could please provide a detailed answer for my satisfaction.
Q: Can a qabar be reserved for family members perpetually?
Q: A person travels by plane from Dubai to perform hajj. From which point is it compulsory upon him to tie his ihraam? Is it permissible for him to tie it in Jeddah Airport after they land?
Q: Mufti sahab, I joined the imam in congregation salaah while the imaam was in ruku and I didn't get time to say subhana rabbiyal azeem? Did I get that rakaat? When does a person get the rakaat?