Taking an oath never to do a certain haraam action
Q: My friend is asking, she promised to Allah that " Ya Allah wallahi I will never do this haram". After few days she broke the promise. Will she have to do kaffara and what is it?
Q: My friend is asking, she promised to Allah that " Ya Allah wallahi I will never do this haram". After few days she broke the promise. Will she have to do kaffara and what is it?
Q: One day I wrote a letter to my wife. I wrote "you enjoy your life as per your choice I don't talk anything." So is my marriage broken, yes or no?
Q: If some people enter a Musjid after the first jamaat is over, is it permissible for them to make a second jamaat in the sehn of the Musjid or should they perform their Salaah individually in the Musjid or the sehn of the Musjid?
Q: When the husband in an angry mood tells his wife to pack up and go to her families house and that he is tired of her, will this terminate the nikaah (marriage)?
Q: In hanafi fiqh, if for e.g. in dhuhr salah I enter the salah in the 2nd rakat. i.e. I have to pray one rakah after the imam's salah is over, so in the aakhiri qa'ida with the Imam, I have to recite only Tashahhud or Tashahhud and durood shareef?
Q: When I visit the qabrastaan, I sit near the grave of my relative and recite a Surah from the Qur'an and I make esale sawab of that surah to them and make dua for them. I want to know whether this is allowed. Is there anything wrong that I am doing?
Q: I have a question about the validity of Nikah. I loved a guy and my sister and dad found out about it, without allowing me to tell them anything and express my feelings they got me engaged to my cousin without my permission but I don't really understand what sort of nikah it was because they never asked me but I still love the person I am involved with and I want to get married to him because I know he is the right guy for me. If I get married without the consent of my parents, will my nikah with that person be valid? Please I need the answer as soon as possible, and also if I want to run away from the house and come back afterwards when everything gets back to normal, just need to know if my nikaah will be valid and accepted in Islam?
Q: I have commited zina with a married women with mutual consent despite knowing that it is one of the biggest sins a Muslim can commit. After doing so, the feeling of committing such a grave sin made me feel extremely worried and ashamed. On my way back to home, I kept asking for forgiveness from Allah (Ta'ala) and promised Allah as well as myself that I am not going to do it again. Now, I am still feeling ashamed and I have communicated my situation to the woman I committed the sin with. She is telling me about her feeling the same but forcing me to meet her for the last time just to talk. She is begging me to meet her and promising that she won't come near me and we can meet at a public place but I just don't want to meet her and want to end everything. I tried to tell her about repentance and about the sin we just committed. She is threatening that she won't eat anything and can commit suicide as well due to the feeling of sin. I tried to tell her about the punishment of suicide and everything but she didn't listen. I became so afraid and panicked that I blocked her from everywhere she can contact me. Now I am not in touch with her in any way. Now, I have to ask two questions.
1. I am very ashamed of what I did and feeling very guilty. I have repented with a true heart. But naturally, I am unable to cry and feel very emotional about it. All I can feel is that I have done wrong and don't want to do it again for the sake of Allah but I am unable to ask for forgiveness by crying hard in front of Allah. Even if i want to cry, I couldn't. What should I do for that?
2. If that woman commits suicide behind what happened, is there any responsibility on my shoulder as well? Because whatever happened, I was involved in it and her suicide would be due to me. Would I be accountable for her suicide? If she commits suicide without repentance and asking forgiveness from Allah, would my repentance be accepted?
Q: If a masbooq makes such an error (that causes sajda sahw to be made) in the rakats he missed with the imam, should he make sajda-e-sahw or not?
Q: I have shown my body parts to my female maid. I haven't touched here nor did she, but she left the work. Is it zina? What should I do?