Q: Is taweez allowed in Islam what does the Hadith say about it?
Q: Is taweez allowed in Islam what does the Hadith say about it?
Q: Is the name Awfa okay to keep for a boy and what does it mean?
Q: My wife was in the last day of haidh, then we got close and I used my finger to pleasure her until she felt satisfied. I don't know if blood had stopped completely or there was some drops?
Q: What is the ruling on eating Christmas food? If its haraam to take, then when we have been given, can I dispose of it or will Allah punnish me for been Al-mubazzir?
1) Are women allowed to wear niqaab with long flaps and also have decorations on it?
2) Is it permissible to get a piercings on the top part of your ear?
3) If a burqa I've been performing salaah with is only see through in the sun, will salaah be permissible and do I have to make qadha of the salaahs that were performed?
4) Is is correct for women to walk a distance to attend the weekly community ta'leem?
Q: I live in Paris. I am contacting you for a serious case about a person who wants to convert to Islam. The person who converted to Islam is stuck because of his parents. He can not separate from his parents but he wants to convert and practice Islam, at the same time he is afraid of his parents.
Q: If a daughter looks at her parents having sex through a small hole. She was young and saw her dad's penis erected and looked for a little while and then felt discharge within her while looking. She can't remember exactly if there was lust with in her but she just looked at her mum and dad having relations and saw her dad's penis erected. But can't remember exactly if she had lust or she looked just so. But she said she don't think she would have lust for her dad. Is her parents nikaah valid?
Q: My question is if clothes becomes najis after the salaah and it was clean during the salaah will the salaah have to be repeated?
Q: I visited one aamil for my personal problem. He gave one small paper contain Arabic numbers in it and asked me to keep it under a heavy stone. Also he gave asmaaul husna to recite for 21 days. Is it taweez? Is it permissible in Islam?
Q: Which actions are heaviest on the scales?