Husband involved in a haraam relationship

Q: My question to you is what can I do to help myself? My husband is having an extramarital affair. He doesn't choose to stop. I've asked him many times. The girl is also married waiting on a divorce. Her family knows but nobody wishes to do anything. My husband wants me to overlook it. He behaves nicely with me and says I shouldn't worry what he does outside the home. I don't find this to be right. I've waited a whole year, and am patiently praying for his hidayat. I feel like I've lost this battle. What should I do?

Cursing one's sister

Q: My sister has been giving me and my mother a real though time and I can't stand her anymore. Nor do I have any love or care for her. Her deeds are such that I often curse her. Is it incorrect that I am cursing someone? After doing my wudu, I had cursed her badly in my heart and performed my prayer is my prayer valid and does cursing invalidates the wudu?

Ghusal after a post mortem

Q: Deceased Muslim victims of accidents such as Road/Fire/Drowning/Murder and the like whom the law authorities takeover, conduct an autopsy/post mortem on them. After this process, the body is wrapped in a white cloth and handed over to the relatives. How must one conduct the Ghusl e Janaazah on this body. Must the body be unwrapped (even though there may be bleeding from the many sutures on it) and bathed or is there a different method. Please clarify in the light of Sunnah.

Delaying nikaah till one becomes financially stable

Q: Should one marry right after settling down financially? If his brother and parents are in financially not well, and wants to support them for the time being can he delay his marriage? and after marriage is the wife his primary responsibility or parents too have the equal right? If a man wants to buy a house should he register it on the name of his wife or mother? Who has more right over this issue?

Avoiding kuffaar styles and fashions

Q: I have in the past attended a marriage lecture for pre weds and they encouraged women to purchase lingerie garments that a worn by kuffaar women, in the bedroom for the husbands desires and they also mentioned one should adorn themselves before the husband in (marital relations). Is this something forbidden in Islam or encouraged? What is the approach to the bedroom life of a Muslim?

Cure for hard heartedness

Q: How do I deal with a hard heart? I'm finding it hard to repent from major sins. I feel no guilt and no fear what can I do? I'm always concerned with worldly matters how can I focus on the akhira? What is my intention supposed to be for practising and how can I make my actions sincere as I am a show off and anything I do in religion I always seem to think about pleasing other Muslims so they can accept me. I know I'm a hypocrite but how can I change it when it happens automatically? I always feel like I'm against Allah and looking for other religions even thought I know Islam is right, like my heart won't accept it and I feel a lot of evil inside of me I don't know how to deal with it. I also have a lot of bad thoughts and am full of arrogance I'm constantly swearing in my head and have bad feelings towards Allah. I stay away from Muslims to stop the insincerity but even in private I'm always thinking about them. I know a lot of it is the effects of sinning but how can I repent when I feel no remorse and I feel like I'm lying and trying to trick Allah. Any advise would be appreciated.