Sleeping with one's satar uncovered
Q: Is it permissible to sleep with your satr uncovered even though one is sure that there is no way possible of anyone getting to see it?
Q: Is it permissible to sleep with your satr uncovered even though one is sure that there is no way possible of anyone getting to see it?
Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to leave her home in order to go to a beauty parlour or salon to style her hair or wax the hair on her body? What is the Shar’ee ruling in regard to this issue?
Q: I want to know that is the profit made through halaal business that was initially started by haraam money is halaal or haraam to use. Example: If I use haraam money and start a halaal business and I earn some profits from that business so that profit is halaal or haraam? Please let me know the Islamic rulings about this issue.
Q: Should my name be mar-deah? What is the meaning and correct spelling?
Q: I read somewhere that it is haraam for a wife to take a husband's surname. Is this true?
Q: Is there any Islamic value in one saying maaf after burping?
Q: To become paak, what should one do if a dog touches their clothes, what should one do if a dog touches their body (e.g. Foot)?
Q: I want to know that if a thief died while stealing, will he ever be able to go to Jannah? Please answer according to the Qur'an and authentic Hadith?
Q: Can we apply beard cream or oil to the beard to make it soft?
Q: Is gelatine haram? What about jellies and jam? Is gelatine included in it?