The name Hamza

Q: "Hamza" was the name of an eminent Sahaabi who was also the uncle of Nabi Muhammad ﷺ. My queries:

1) What is the correct English spelling of name "Hamza"?

2) What is the meaning of name " Hamza"?

3) What language does this name originate from?

4) Would you recommend this name for a Muslim baby boy?

Is a revoked talaaq counted from amongst the three talaaqs?

Q: My husband divorced me a second time and as I asked him that this is your last attempt, If you divorce me a third time, it will be done. But he says that when I  divorced you first time and made rajoo to you within the idaah period, it is finished. My question is that how many attempts can a husband make for divorce to his wife even if he reconciles and if he reconciles within the iddah period, does his attempt of divorce finish and not count next time?

Asking the husband for divorce due to his behaviour

Q: I was a widow with three boys remarried due to financial problems. This man feeds well but he lies like anything. Hundred times he committed that he'll not lie and I am very much opposite to him. He won't give me anything in my hand and the rest of my money is also with him. He lies saying he took a property, but when I ask him to return my money he dodges. I am sick of his lies. He is a businessman. He loves food and spends a lot of money on hotels, parties charity but with me he won't make me feel secure. Please advise.

Giving gifts to one's wife

Q: I have been getting myself closer in following the Sunnahs of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and trying to become a better Muslim and my wife stood by me and supported me she even ties my turban for me. I am 26 years old and the question that I have is as follows, what gifts did Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) gift to his wives to increase or show love? I can get her anything but I would like to know what did our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) give so I can emulate this behaviour as well?