Q: Are all these ways (hot wax, cold wax, razer machines, creams) to remove body hairs (legs, hands, face, underarms) permissible for a woman as there is a great misconception among people. Please do elaborate it in detail.
Q: Are all these ways (hot wax, cold wax, razer machines, creams) to remove body hairs (legs, hands, face, underarms) permissible for a woman as there is a great misconception among people. Please do elaborate it in detail.
Q: My father is a banker. From my childhood onwards he doesn't treat me in a proper way. He talks evil to me and even send dirty videos. Try to touch my private parts. I never told anyone about it.I was afraid my family will be separated and my mother will have to suffer for this and I don't want people to thing bad about my father. Now I am 25 years old and completed my graduation. Allhamdullila Allah introduced me to Islam and I reverted to Islam in 2014. Now I read salaah keep roza and try to be in hijab which brings doubt in my parents' mind and they try to oppose. I don't understand what should I do next. please suggest.
Q: I am a software engineer and I have to develop a software for a ticket management system for different events. Events can be Eid events, Christmas events, political events, or even singing events. Since some events will be haraam and some will be halaal, what should I do?
Q: Are we supposed to repeat the words of Mu'azzin while he is doing azaan?
Q: Can a person give the power of talaaq to his parents or someone else who he trusts so that even if he says the words out of frustration anger etc it wouldn't go through?
Q: I was wondering about Jannah, if it is said to be beyond human imagination, why have things been described in it such as rivers of wine, honey, milk, fair skin, food and drink, etc.
Q: Can I make health videos on youtube in which I use picture slide show. I change my voice and show various benefits of natural foods. I have to put ads to make some earning. Is the money halaal or not?
ومنها ما أخرجه الحاكم من حديث عائشة بسند قوي بلفظ " نهى أن يشرب من في السقاء لأن ذلك ينتنه " وهذا يقتضي أن يكون النهي خاصا بمن يشرب فيتنفس داخل الإناء أو باشر بفمه باطن السقاء ، أما من صب من القربة داخل فمه من غير مماسة فلا ، ومنها أن الذي يشرب من فم السقاء قد يغلبه الماء فينصب منه أكثر من حاجته فلا يأمن أن يشرق به أو تبتل ثيابه ، قال ابن العربي : وواحدة من الثلاثة تكفي في ثبوت الكراهة ، وبمجموعها تقوى الكراهة جدا فتح الباري
Do you think the first illat is found when drinking from bottles?
Q: I know nail polish prevents ghusal but what if I removed the nail polish but due to cracks in my nails nail polish gets stuck and doesn't come off even with a nail polish remover, will the ghusal be valid? The nail polish wasn't coming off so I thought since it wasn't though I tried hard my ghusal would be valid. Later today when I was washing my hands I found out that nail polish of the size of the needle tip was also left on two of my other nails including this one so I removed those dots. Is my ghusal valid? Then afterwards o cut my nails today and scratched the remaining stuck nail polish from the top of my nails first with a nail-filer then with a knife. I had to scratch off the top layer of my thumb nail in order to remove the nail polish. Do I have to redo my ghusal? I should have done the scratching yesterday after ghusal I know, but then I forgot to and only remembered after seeing it today. What should I do? Will everything have to made pure too?
Q: Is vehicle finance with Wesbank or Albaraka bank permissible?