Fasting for Hazrat Husain (radhiyallahu anhu)
Q: Can we fast for the Isaal-e-sawaab of Hazrat Husain (radhiyallahu anhu) on the occasion of Aashura? Is there any benefit or special reward that Allah Ta'ala will grant us?
Q: Can we fast for the Isaal-e-sawaab of Hazrat Husain (radhiyallahu anhu) on the occasion of Aashura? Is there any benefit or special reward that Allah Ta'ala will grant us?
Q: Is it incorrect to purchase gifts for one's family on the day of Aashura?
Q: Can a woman remove her hand and leg hairs by waxing or by razer machines or cream?
Q: With regards to Islamic literature, for example letters and leaflets that contain the name of Allah Ta'ala and the prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), how are they to be disposed of? Is it correct to wipe away/erase those names and then dispose of the letters in the bin, or must they be burned?
Q: My bank used to pay me interest before I stopped it. Is zakat due on this interest money?
Q: I have heard that applying mehndi (hena) before eid (on the night of eid) is sunnah and will you get reward for applying it on hands and feet. Is this true according to Islam? If someone don't apply for eid or before eid, are they committing a sin? Will they get punished for it?
Q: Is it permissible for one to have an ATM installed in his store? The ATM machine offers a person many benefits and advantages such as being able to withdraw money from one’s account, view one’s bank balance, etc. The ATM, however, can also be used to withdraw interest-bearing loans using a credit card.
Q: Recently I performed two Salaahs at a jamaat khana. However the next day I realised my underwear was soiled. What should I do?
Q: If one fasts on the ninth and tenth or tenth and eleventh of Muharram with the intention of a qadha fast, will one receive the reward of the fast of Aashura?
Q: Does the same rules that apply to a Musjid, apply to a jamaat khana? e.g. sleeping, talking, eating, etc.