Performing two rakaats Sunnah instead of four
Q: While performing four rakaats Sunnah I forgot and completed two rakaats with salam. My question is shall I repeat all four rakaats or just offer two rakaats.
Q: While performing four rakaats Sunnah I forgot and completed two rakaats with salam. My question is shall I repeat all four rakaats or just offer two rakaats.
Q: Is there any basis for these advices and will it be preferable to follow it:
Deeds or foods that weaken the memory
1. Sins.
2. Sour Apples.
3. Vinegar.
4. All those things that cause phlegm.
5. Moist Coriander.
6. Salted meat.
7. Hot bread.
8. Eating from a pot.
9. The leftover drink of a rat.
10. Reading tombstones.
11. Witnessing a crucifixion.
12. Looking at stagnant water.
13. Looking at one’s own private parts.
14. Looking at the private parts of a woman.
15. Masturbation.
16. For a person in need of a fard bath to look at the sky.
17. Looking into the mirror of a cupper (one who does cupping).
18. Using a broken comb.
19. Urinating in stagnant water.
20. Urinating on the side of the road.
21. Urinating under a fruit tree.
22. Urinating into ash.
23. Making wudhu in an impure place.
24. Wiping the hands or face with the tail of the clothing/kurta/qamis etc.
25. Entering the Masjid with the left foot or leaving with the right.
26. Dusting clothes in the Masjid.
27. Sweeping with a cloth.
28. Using a pants or turban as a pillow.
29. Excessive joking.
30. Laughing in the graveyard.
31. Excessive worries of the world.
32. Cupping on the nape.
33. Throwing of live lice.
References for the above Al-Mu’jamul Kabir of Tabarani, Kitabul ‘ilm of Ibn Abi Khaithamah, pg.31, Al-Jami’u li akhlaqir rawi, pgs.400 & 404, Ta’limul Muta’allim pg. 43, Al-Maqasidul Hasanah pg. 519, Tazhkiratu Sami’ Wal Mutakallim pg. 77, At-tibb of Imam Dhahabi, pgs.174-175 & Raddul Muhtar.
Q: Would it be permissible to say that while Aadam was created and did not evolve from a non-human ancestor, he was placed in perfectly to give the appearance of human evolution?
Q: I did zina today and I did it for the first time and I do accept my mistake and I prayed to Allah and asked for forgiveness but my heart is not calming down and I can't even forgive myself. I am just crying. I don't know but kindly help me about how I ask for forgiveness from Allah. Kindly help me. I am truly ashamed of myself.
Q: My wife and I are only for the children together. Unfortunately the coexistence does not work. We no longer understand and she would simply not divorce so I have no other choice than to let her continue to live with the children in my house. My question is here if I would commit a sin if we will stay with this way of living together? I let her live in her apartment with the children and provide them, but otherwise no intimate contact takes place. I have remarried and want to go with my new wife in the house, but she can remain in the apartment and I finance everything. Would that be a sin if she would also agree with this way of living?
Q: I got a proposal from my aunty (she lives in America) for her step-son. But the problem is he does not follow Islam. He is an atheist. He does not believe in any religion. My parents and my aunt are telling me that if Allah wills, he will accept Islam in the future (after marriage). My question is can I marry him, is it halaal?
Q: I have a debt of R150 000-00 owing from 2009. From 2009 I was cutting one sheep Qurbaani till last year. Must I still give my Quurbaani this year or must I start paying my debts?
Q: I'm curious that every time I make wudhu during fasting; water is held in my mouth and even after spitting it out twice or thrice I still swallow water mixed with saliva, what is the ruling? Is my fast invalid?
Q: I heard one Aalim talking about shaitaan interfering with two friends close relationship because of the committing of sins on one of the parties part. Can you please give me some information regarding this please?
Q: I wanted to know from when do we start to fast for zul hijjah?