Talking to non-mahrams

Q: I want to know is it permissible to talk to non-mahrams? Like if someone is studying in a co-education and having boy fellows and male teachers so then is it allowed to talk to them? I have heard that a girl is not allowed to talk to non-mahrams but if in case of helping and if a non-mahram shares his problems with you without having any bad intention so is it allowed? Can girls and boys be friends?

Keeping the names of the Malaaikah

Q: I named my son Mikail. He is now 1 month and 9 days old mashallah. I am confused regarding the name Mikail as people say it is not right to name a child with angel names. I see that there are also people named as Malik (also an angel). I have registered my son as mikail already. I need clarification if I can or cannot maintain the name Mikail (many ways of writing the name also I found but all stand for the same angel). Please help.

The meaning of Huda and Hannah

Q: May I please ask the correct meaning of Huda? Is it a girls name? Does it originate from the holy Quran and were there any sahabiyaats (Radiyallahu Anhunna) called Huda? Also the meaning of Hannah and where it originates from and of there is was anyone pious or a sahabiyaat (Radiyallahu Anhunna) named Hannah?

Using paid WordPress plug-ins which one received for free

Q: I am creating / developing my ecommerce store (on wordpress) selling various products online. It requires some Plugins / Extensions to be installed which are PAID. I am enrolled in a course (on Udemy) where my tutor gave me all those (required) plugins for FREE to use them on my own ecommerce site.

P.S: I don't know whether my tutor owns them or he grabbed them from somewhere else. I did sent him an email asking that but haven't heard from him. If I use those plugins on my site, and the income which will be generated from my store will be Halal or Haram? Can you please guide me on this?