Marital problems

Q: Please advise me. My husband and I are having many marital problems for the past +- 1 & 1/2 years. It's mainly because of my husband's phone. I spoke to him on many occasions but he doesn't want to change. He doesn't show love to me as well. At the moment we are not on talking terms. We only speak what is necessary. The hadith that mentions something to the effect, that the angels curse a woman whose husband is displeased with her and her ibaadah is not accepted, will I fall under this hadith? I am very worried, if my ibaadah is not accepted then how will my duas,tilaawat etc benefit me? Can Mufti Saheb please advise me.

Bowel incontinence

Q: Due to some medication I was taking. Spots were developing inside the anus. Because of which after passing stool and doing istinja, I would notice stains of stool when checking with a tissue. Even after a couple of hours if I were to check there would still be stains of stool when touching the exterior of the anus with a tissue. I can’t say if I was ma’zoor or not as I don’t know how long the stool leakage would last. Also, I’d have to take into account other factors such as the type of food I ate. This lasted for about 10 months when I stopped taking the medication. I wasn’t aware of this stool leakage until about 9 months. The understanding of this only came after speaking to a doctor. My question is what is the condition of all the prayers I have performed? Taking into account the many months where I was unaware. After washing my bottom it would be wet and stool would still be leaking. So the water would mix with the stool and go onto the pants etc. It is like washing the penis without doing istibra.

Cleaning impurities


1. Is merely wiping with a tissue or cloth considered to remove impurities and make an object paak?

2. If there is impurity on the floor and it dries naturally, is the floor considered paak?

3. Whilst flushing, there is spray from the toilet bowl, and it lands on the toilet seat and sometimes the floor. Is this spray considered to be impure or is it excused.

4. Is a washing machine considered to clean impurities.

5. Can I clean hard surfaces by spraying with water and then wiping instead of pouring?

Making ghusal without soap


1. If one takes ghusal without any soap and sampoo and just uses the water, will ghusal be valid ? I just went in rinsed the dirt off my body and made ghusal normally and came out.

2. If one has mistakenly had a pee drop in the underpants would ghusal be waajib?

3. How does one take ghusal at sea and would ghusal be accepted if there is others swimming in the ocean as well while one just went in to swim with a shorts. Would the ghusal be valid is one's owra is open?