Wet dream

Q: Before I was pregnant when I used to sleep and wake up for fajr maybe only once a month, I used to feel wetness in my private area so I used to make ghusal. Now this pass week I feel wetness everyday. I know exactly how mani feels, when a women experiences mani its a lot of discharge that's slightly thick. I have had wet dreams before and know how mani is after the wet dream. This week I have been feeling wetness everyday. I know it is not mani because I know how mani is. I really really think its wadi (normal discharge ) but I suffer from Lot of waswasaa and I don't remember having a dream but I doubt in the morning after I prayed fajr if I had a dream that night or not and than I feel guilty the whole time that I prayed fajr while I needed to do ghusal. So my question is, if one doubts if they had a dream or not and than doubts if its mazi or wadi is ghusal fard? I don't remember having a dream but I think waswasaa makes me doubt if I had 1 or not.

Hajj Books

Q: Hajj is coming and some people I know are going for Hajj. Can You recommend some Books to read about Hajj with author names?


Q: I wanted to know that if while talking to my wife on a video call I get some sperm spot in my underwear, is it necessary to have ghusal?


Q: Before mother passed away 4 weeks before in good health, one daughter has a conversation with mother "mum take your gold in the grave. Mum says what do you mean? I mean give it all in charity. Mum says I don't know. Mum you can make your niyaat. Mum says ok i'll do talk about something. Does this niyaat count now she has passed away nothing written down but sister is adamant to give in charity and the other sister wants to keep her mums gold.


Q: I take a shower and then separately I wash out my feet along with slippers, is this the right way? Or taking shower is enough. And when my feet are wet then I don't step on the carpet without slippers because at our home people step on the carpet with slippers (also with the ones which are used in the washroom) so this thing brings me in doubt that the carpet is not paak. Please advise what to do.


Q: I have a question regarding inheritance. My father passed away about 17 years ago. In terms of assets, he left behind the house (of which 50% is my mummies), 3 old cars and his tools he used as he was a mechanic. Not long after my daddy passed away, the cars and bikes were sold and my mummy used the money to see to the expenses around the house and put my sister through college. At the time it was myself and my big brother that were working. I just started about a year before my daddy passed away. Now 17 years down the line, my sister wants her share of the inheritance. My mummy and nanima still live in the house and my small brother with his wife live at the back. Someone told me that we have to give her the share from the sale of the cars (even though my mummy used money from there to pay for this same sister's college). My mummy does not have that money anymore. She doesn't work. She gets pension and some money from my brothers. Please advise firstly, if we still have to give my sister her share from the sale of cars and bikes. Also, since my mummy is still in the house, if we are supposed to give my sisters share now? If you could please reply urgently, as unfortunately the situation has become very ugly and we want to resolve it ASAP.

Striving for Jannah

Q: I wanted to ask what is the way that I could get my dua answered 100 percent. I have my o level results in a few days and have prayed since my last exam for a result with nothing below an A and a few A stars InshaAllah! I want this dua really to be fulfiled and I think I had put as much effort as I could during preparation. I request you sir to pray for me and that Allah makes what I want better for me. Please tell me a way to make my dying wish come true.