Suspended talaaq

Q: We are married since last ten years. After four years my husband fights with me and told me if you call me then you have talaaq from me after that I called him by other person and talked with him after that about one year we fights again about the matter that I have called one relative girl and we discussed very much after that that girl calls my husband and told him that your wife fights with me and my husband come home and told me that you called that girl I said no he told me tell me truth if you don't tell me true then our relationship will break for ever after that we are separate now please tell me what is the way if we want to live together?

Zakaat on flats

Q: I have two small flats. First one I bought with the intention that I have a house to live on. Later I bought a second one and changed my intention to sell them both after some time to buy a house for me. Both are rented. I want to know.

1. How much zakat I have to pay now.

2. If I use the rent for my retirement money to live without work how do I have to pay zakat?

3. If I sell them and buy a house and start living in it and partly rent it to get money to survive in old age, how should I pay zakaat on it?

Feeling that someone is sitting on one

Q: From about many years, I feel that somebody sits on me when I suddenly get awaken from my sleep. At that time, I use to be awake but suddenly my eyes get closed under pressure and my mouth gets closed. I try to shout but can't. I also feel somebody is walking in my room and from about a year I even hear some words which that person makes in my ear during that time which I don't understand. As a result of this, my heart has become very weak though I offer prayers five times a day and also recite ayat ul qursi and four quls (surah kafiroon, surah iklas. surah falaq. surah nas) but still undergo this. Same was happening with my father who passed away last year. Same also happens with my sister and mother but rarely. I even hear knocking sounds on door during this. Please tell me something about this.

Applying for a job which one is not fully qualified for

Q: I want to ask that earning from an intercede job is halaal or haram? I mean one was not fully qualified for a job I mean government is equipping clerks in schools. The criteria is a good typist and they prefer to inter pass student. While one can type but not according to demand and is metric pass and doing his intern. So he applies for that job and and a famous man intercedes on his behalf and he gets selected so earning from that job will be halaal or haram?

Doubts with regards to the number of rakaats performed

Q: In our local shopping centre there is a small prayer room. Three of us entered to pray zuhr salah and decided to pray in jammat. I was chosen to lead the prayer. We finished salah and went our separate ways. My question is this, after salah and returning home I kept feeling I prayed only 3 rakaats. I just couldn't get this feeling out of my mind. When we finished the other two never mentioned I only completed 3 rakat, so to tell you the truth I do not know whether I completed 3 or 4 rakaats. What must I do or should have done?

Wet dreams


1. I know that mazi don't invalidate ghusl so if I have a wet dream and I feel wetness so how I know that I released mazi or mani?

2. Some time I feel tingly sensation in sleep and feel wetness without any dream.