Recommencing the kaffara due to breaking one's fast before sunset

Q: Someone is doing kafaarah for ramadan fast. She is on her fifteenth fast. However when she was on her fifth fast she had broken her fast two minutes before iftaari but she carried on doing her kafaarah. What is the conclusion? Will her kafaraah start again from after that day or does she completely have to start all over again?

Investment scheme

Q: My father joins a profit-sharing business which guarantee a monthly dividend between 15% to 30% for up to 1 year (with no guaranteed principle). My question is, is it permissible for me to market this profit-sharing business and make out a sideline business agreement out of it with my potential client? The agreement shall state that, I shall be the guarantor of the principle amount given for the purpose of the profit-sharing business. In return, the client shall pay me a 3% monthly dividend for the period of 1 year. In the event that the business collapses, I shall be liable to pay back the principle amount to my client.


Q: I have a hard time being convinced that the notion of predestination in Islam makes logical sense. This is my current understanding of the situation: According to the islamic faith, Allah knows everything- what will occur and all that which has not yet occurred. He knew everything about His creation before He created it. He knows in His eternal knowledge about His creation, their provisions, life spans, sayings, moves, deeds, secrets all of their obedient and disobedient acts, who among them will be people of Jannah or who will be from the people of An Naar. Allah has written everything in `law7 el ma7fouz`and there is no escape from Qadr. Examples from the Quran and the Hadith (ex: Book of destiny in sahih muslim and Divine Will in sahih bukhari) supports such understanding of pre-destination. So if human beings are essentially following a `script,` how does it make sense to punish or reward them for their actions? In other words, the notion of pre-destination seems to undermine the notion of free will. If God knows everything in advance and decided for us in advance, it doesn't seem fair to punish or reward us for our actions, since we aren`t the ultimate cause of these actions (Add to that the fact that, according to the islamic faith, nothing happens in the universe except if Allah allows it to happen, which further reinforces the fact that we are not the ultimate cause of our behaviour). But if we have free will, then God cannot be All-Knowing (which is how Islam describes God, thus there is a contradiction). Some sheiks say that no, we have free will, regardless. The say for example, `if I want to stand up I can`, and then they stand up as a proof of free will. They add to that the fact that `nobody forced them to do it`. From their own will, they chose to stand up. However, it can be argued that just because you have the subjective impression that no one is forcing you to do something doesn`t mean that, objectively, that`s what`s actually happening. For example, someone with a brain tumor can exhibit pedophilic behaviours but he/she would never know that it was the brain tumor causing such behaviours (for more, see…). Also, God already knew that you were going to stand up as an example, since he already knows everything in advance, thus this is an illusion of free will, it's not actual free will. So to summarise, either we have free will and God is not All-Knowing (therefore contradicting how Islam describes God) or God is All-knowing and we don't have free will (therefore the system of reward-and-punishment is unfair). What is your opinion on that? I would love to know.

Husband having an affair with a young girl

Q: I found out that my husband is having an affair with a 21 year old muslim girl. He has confessed that he does love her. So I read istikara to ask for guidance. My first dream was I was at my mums house and all of my bags were packed but I am busy helping my mum to make sweetmeats. My second dream was I was at the mall but I was having intercourse with my husband. I am very confused so I am not sure what this means.