Defeating Shaitaan
Q: How do you get rid of your shaitaan?
Q: How do you get rid of your shaitaan?
Q: If a wife is disobedient to her husband in any case of deen/dunia, what should the do? Take action or to be patient (sabar) for Allah Ta'ala?
Q: I am in great trouble and need sharia based solution. My husband is having sexual relationship with male guys and has been in this practice since puberty. I came to know when I got married to him. Another problem is that he wants me to be a part of his game and join his friends in this venture. I tried to get divorce but he says he will keep my children. I cannot leave my children with him cause he will destroy them. I am doing a job as he does not want to spend money on children's education. I have taken this responsibility but now as I want my children to join my school as it is a well known he is not allowing them and creating all the barrier to keep them not getting admission there. My only purpose in life is to provide quality future to my children so they may not become the victim for such a man and stand on their own feet.
Q: I would like in shaa Allah to ask about things I face during my salah as every time I wonder if they break my salah or not. Allah created me in a way that it is a bit difficult for me to say letter R. In normal life its not obvious, no one even notices it, even me, but when it comes to say rrrrrrrrrr then I cant do that, which means Bismillehirrahmanirrahim is a bit difficult for me to say, I loose the sound of R if I am in my relaxed state. I have to give real efforts in order to pronounce it. My efforts don’t help much, R is still not so clear and I feel I only lose concentration in salah. Do I have to be making efforts or can be relaxed, how important is to pronounce R clearly? It’s the way Allah created me, can I be relaxed in my salah in shaa Allah? Other things that I experience during salah: last H in bismillehirrahmanirrrahim doesn’t come as soft as needed from my throat, because I loos air already saying all other letters in this words, so if it comes a bit harder then must be, if its close to the other Ha, is it something that voids my salah or requires sajda-sawh? In siratalmustaqim, letter Ta is difficult for me to say real hard, as to say R takes me to open my mouth and then its inconvenient for me to pronounce Ta hard as it must be. I should try to pronounce it correct but would like to know if mistake in this letter breaks salah? If saying D in gayrilmehDubi softer then it must be break salah? As above, in bismillehirrahmanirrahim, I cant stay long in double R, so I feel that I say double R, but sometimes feel I was to fast, is it ok or voiding salah? I noticed, when I try to say second double R properly, and then I have no air enough to say H in Rrahim soft as needed. In subhanerabbiyelA’le its hard for me to make a pausa in Ain as I was taught. Is any of these mistakes above break salah, require to read it again or require sajda-sawh, could you please let me know?
1.Does it break namaaz if in Semi Allahu limen hemideh one pronounce Alif instead of Ain in Semia?
2.Does it break namaz if one adjusts this mistakes already being up from ruku, meaning in the position standing straight when you say Rabbana lakal hamd?
3.Is sajda-sawh required for that?
4. If one did this mistake in witr namaz and then adjusted it at the position of Rabbana lakal hemd, then decided to make sajda-sawh, but in last tashahud he recited also Allahuma Sali and Allahuma barik, is his witr valid in shaa Allah?
5. I may not understand it from question 4, so please kindly answer separate – is it allowed to read all duas in last tashahud if one is going to perform sajda-sawh?
Q: If a person has a certain amount of cash only, has he to base his calculation for determining the nisaab based on existing rate of silver or gold? The reason is there is a vast difference in the market rate of a gram of silver and a gram of gold. Please advise. Jazakalkah.
Q: I am a new Muslim and I had a medical insurance which I took before I became a Muslim which I am still paying. I have a medical condition in my heart which recently my insurance had covered the medical expenses when I needed it, since I didn't have any other means to pay for it at that particular time. Is medical insurance haraam?
Q: Are fizzy drinks halaal?
Q: When I was in the first stage of sleep I had some sexual thoughts and after few minutes I slept completely with no wet dream but I felt wetness after I woke up, so ghusl is waajib on me or not due to those dirty thoughts?
Q: Can I listen to adhan anytime or only at salaah time? I was listening to the adhan and my wife said it's strictly forbidden to say or play adhan other than at the time of salaah. And further she said one earns Allah's laana by playing or reciting adhan other than at the salaah time.