Is zakaat compulsory on an extra house
Q: Does a person have to pay zakaat on an extra house he bought and which is rented out? Similarly does one have to pay zakaat on the rent?
Q: Does a person have to pay zakaat on an extra house he bought and which is rented out? Similarly does one have to pay zakaat on the rent?
Q: Can zakaat money be spent on the funeral expenses of a deserving lady? Please advise where zakaat money can be spent?
Q: I was wondering, since we as Muslims need to break away totally from all forms of shirk, is it permissible to drink tea from companies that use doasit, or ayurvedic medicine? I am concerned with the companies using medicinal protocols that stem from shirk. Although the teas of herbal formulations would be completely halaal in terms of just being plant made, can we still buy and use them due to them being derived form those kinds of wrong medicial practices?
Q: My question is my husband brought something for me when he came from shopping but I wasn't happy with what he brought, then he came in anger and said (dil chahta ha ke aik din na rakhu). Me chup ho gayi. Now I am very upset. Did anything happen with this? After sometime everything settled down.
Q: Please can you advise if it is permissible for females to use fake eyelashes and make wudhu?
Q: I want to ask that while reciting the ayah in which sajdah is recommended we do sajdah. But when I remember one of these ayah I've to repeat them approximately 40 time. Do I have to do sajah 40 times or 1 time?
Q: I work in a call centre and my role involves taking calls and speaking to customers. Some of them are women. Unfortunately, living in the UK it's hardly avoidable not to find employment that doesn't involve having some interaction with the opposite gender with the exception of some sort of manual labour work which, is tiresome, and pays very low for long hours. That's not ideal with everything so expensive here now. Alhamdulillah, I try my utmost best to minimise as much interaction as possible. There is never any physical contact just eye contact, and verbal communication. I never do the following:
- Have dinner with them during lunch hours
- Play pool with them during lunch hours like other brothers
- Engage in causal chit-chat, but strictly work related when necessary, only gentle response to a good morning or when they greet me with a pretentious smile
- I never offer them or accept a drive home or to work
- I never get in the elevator if there is more than one female
I always say astagfirullah as much as possible for any shortcoming and just for interacting even when I needed to. With this in mind, am I still sinning working where I am? Allah says in the Qur’an to fear him as much as we can, and I do my utmost best, but it is also frudh for a man to make a living for his family.
Q: How short do the pubic hairs have to be?
Q: I have a divorcee woman with 3 teenage kids that wants to marry me. She is very adamant. I do not see her as suitable life partner but I worry that I might sin with her or someone else as I am not yet married. I have been told she does not need a wali, but can we conduct the nikaah ourselves as we are both reasonably old. What is the simplest way we can do nikaah just for ourselves.
Q: My spouse uttered words of kufr. She renewed her Imaan by reciting one or both kalimas, i.e. she may have recited first Kalima only or second Kalima only or both of them. I cannot now recall. She also recited Imaan-e-Mujmal and Imaan-e-mufassal and made tauba. Nikah was then re-performed. Is the Nikah valid even though she may have recited only one of the two kalimas? I do suffer from very bad waswasa regarding these matters, so please bear this in mind when answering.