Not attending the Jumuah Salaah on account of one's employment

Q: My daughter and her family have gone to Australia one year ago. Since then my son in-law is struggling for a job but till last month he did not get regular jobs but he was doing odd jobs. Last month he got a regular job in a good company. Now the problem is that the management did not give him permission to offer Friday prayer in the Musjid, but other prayers he performed in the company's premises. Now he wants to quit the job for this particular reason. Is this decision ok or he can pray zuhr prayer in place of Friday prayer and continue the job. Please me remember that in Australia getting jobs in very difficult particularly for Muslims.

Wazifa for financial problems and debts

Q: We are facing financial problems from years as my mom is indebted with a loan worth 50k and now my sister's wedding is also expected but we are short of cash. We have properties but cannot sell it as people are creating problems. Our father died 18 years ago. I do istighfaar as much as I can and I am also afraid that the interest on the amount will make my mother suffer in the aakhirat. I am very much afraid of Allah but my mother didn't have any option except to loan out her assets as she's a single parent. Please tell me a wazifa so that we can cover the whole loan from the bank within days.

Practising equality when taking another wife

Q: A man is married for 15 odd years (with kids) and thereafter decides to take on a second wife. He has provided for his first wife a house of x value however wants to provide for his future second wife a smaller accommodation of lesser value. He says it is safer for her to stay in. The future second wife is not materialistic but his decision without her consent has already left her feeling inferior and she is now unsure about her future with this man. What is the ruling on this and what do you advise?

Making dua for children

Q: We have been trying to conceive for four years. We have had one miscarriage in between. Doctor's are saying my sperm count and motility (speed) is low. I have now left it in Allah's hands. I was just wondering, as a man, what can I do? Is there any Ta'weez as such for males? Is there any Naseehah or Islamic prescription that Hadhrat can give me? Am I allowed to practise the Aa'maal that are normally given to ladies such as fasting, tying Ta'weez around my belly etc?

Following one's nafs

Q: Please can you advise if it is permissible for one to claim to be half Shaafi'ee and half Hanafi i.e. incorporate Shaafi'ee rulings that they have taken a liking to into their daily lives. Hence they declare themselves part Shaafi'ee and part Hanafi. If this is not permissible, please advise the harms and dangers this poses to ones Imaan.