Opinions and comments of people

Q: I am 28 years old and feel problems in learning and understanding things. I am physically weak but I worked hard in education and reached Software Engineering level and passed it. I faced many diseases since childhood but now I have no apparent disease besides I am still weak. I undergone my medical tests but doctors told me that I have no significant problem. In daily life I feel problems in doing, understanding and learning things. And due to these problems I spent plenty of time on researching about mental and Psychological health issues which makes me exhausted besides wastage of my time. Most of the time I feel depressed. Real problem is that when I compare my self with my other fellows, I feel disappointed regarding my abilities. I also feel that my relatives also compare me with others and they feel that I am not doing up to the standard. Now I want to ask that did Allah Almighty create every person with equal abilities? Or are some people born with problems? How can I be satisfied with my present abilities? Some doctors and other people told me that I have no problem just have over sensitivity that makes me anxious. I feel disappointed when I solve a problem in 3 hours but others solves it in 3 minutes. I feel comparatively deficient. Please read my problems carefully and guide me according to Islamic teachings so that I may be able to live a healthy life.

Interest bearing loan

Q: I have taken an Islamic Shari'ah loan from standard chartered bank Bahrain. I want to go for umrah. Tell me, is my loan halaal or haraam? Can I go for umrah or not? If the loan is haraam, then I have done a major sin. How can I  face my Allah and Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Please answer me me thoroughly.


Q: I read somewhere that doing the following Amal can break any black magic spells,

• Take a glass of water

• Recite darood sharif 11 times

• Recite bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem 487 times

• Recite darood sharif 11 times (again)

• Blow 3 times on water and drink (Or give to someone affected to drink)

If you see bright whiteness then it means that the magic got extinguished. Just like water extinguishes fire. Is this Amal valid? Can I rely on this Amal?

Breaking one's oath

Q: If someone touched the Qur'an and said something like I swear on Qur'an I will never come to this house again in anger while having an argument. Can he ever go back to that house if he did tawba, kept 3 rozay and fed 20 miskeen people? If not then what else can he do?

Keeping dolls

Q: I would like to know if a little girl has a soft doll, what is required so it will be fine to keep it (i.e. the angels of mercy will enter the house):

- Is it fine to just cover the eyes with a strip of cloth?

- Should the whole face be covered with a piece of cloth?

Please Mufti Sahib advise what can be done.