UAE court annulling the nikaah

Q: My wife went to UAE by telling me that she needs to deliver some papers to her relative and within 1 month or 45 days she will return back, but four months passed and she didn't return. So I went to bring her back, she refused to return to India. Now since 2009 October/November till today she is not willing to return India even though we both are Indians and she use to insist on me that we will live in UAE only. But she don't want to understand the difference between local and outsider. In 27 December 2014 she told me she needs divorce because she don't want to go to India and after one day 28 December she used very filthy language to me and even she said if I am the son of my father, then I must hit her. As a result I slapped he once. Suddenly she called the police. I found it was already planned as her mother and sister also live with us. She filed in mahkuma Sharaya, alain. They asked me, I said  I slapped her because she used filthy language and also spit on me and put scratches on my neck. The reports were there with the police, but to my surprise the judge gave her talaq instead of me. I never gave her talaaq. Now what is the state of my married life? Is it correct that a judge can give talaaq in the presence of her husband? Kindly reply me according to Ahaadith and Sunnah.

Leaving the country one is working in for Deeni reasons

Q: I am from Pakistan and I am working in Dubai since 18 months. I find it always very difficult and disappointing to stay away from parents and brothers and sister. In my country I can get a job but it pays less than the job in Dubai. I have decided to leave and go back and work there on less salary than here and live with parents and brothers and I am also getting married soon in my country so I prefer to stay with all family and work on less salary there instead of staying here in Dubai away from them. My question is that according to Islamic teachings, am I taking the right step? Maybe this question seems little bit stupid but it holds great importance in my life as I want to follow my Deen in every aspect of my life. Please answer my question and help me to put an end to this confusion.

Interest based saving scheme

Q: My father has passed away and since I have no brother, the only source of income for my mother is the monthly payment that comes against the amount deposited in the saving scheme. As it is an interest based scheme, is it permissible for her to use such earnings for all her needs? She is over sixty.