Making a vow to give sadaqah

Q: If a vow was made that for every R100 a person receives he will give R 20 as sadqah to poor people as long as there is no debt owing to anyone.

1.Can he buy gifts with this money and give it to his family, even though the family are well to do?

2. Can he use the money to sponsor items to the musjid or put the money in the musjid box?

3. If the vow is broken once does the person still have to keep to the vow subsequently?

4. If a person can't remember if he made the vow verbally or in his mind, will the vow be valid?

Reciting the duas when making wudhu in a joint toilet and bathroom


1) A person has a bathroom with toilet shower etc in one room. If he makes wudhu in the shower cubicle, with the transparent glass between him and the toilet, will it be permissible to read the duas and take Allah's name?

2) In the masjid toilets, there is a passage with many doors for individual toilets. Is the passage considered to be part of the toilets?

3) If the passage through next to the toilets leads to classrooms, which are also accessible from the masjid, and a person needs to carry kitaabs through to the classroom, should he use this passage or go through the masjid?

Bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: A lady is pregnant but at her scan at 14 weeks she finds out that the baby had died at 9 weeks and 1 day. Hence she is given a pill and miscarriage is initiated. The baby had buds as arms and legs. They are visible in the ultrasound. The baby had visible buds of arms and legs. What is the ruling regarding nifaas?