Learning skills and using one's hands

Q: What is the Islamic teachings or rulings about learning and doing daily things with one's hands. Does Islam encourages one to learn and do his/her things like slaughtering an animal, learning different arts like building house or other such things. I am literate person and a Software Engineer but in common life I do not know things well. I feel great hesitation/problem while learning new things. Does Islam dislikes this kind of behaviour and how can I handle this problem in the light of Islam. I know this type of question may seem useless but as for as I know Islam guides us in every matter of life.

Marrying a jinn

Q: I would like to know we as Muslims are allowed four wives. Could I marry a jinn woman? What is your opinion on this? My reason for asking such a question is I am frequented by female jinn at night. Now I can't stop thinking of them.

Losing investors money

Q: Eight years back my khala and four years back my mamu had given me money to invest in business. Three years back I got cheated by someone and I lost all money even my capital. I never told my relatives regarding these losses so far. They never asked me about account just casually they ask how business is running and I say its ok. Between these three years and before that I gave them money if they demanded. I have niyyyat and full faith in almighty Allah Ta'ala will help me. If I made profit I will try to pay them their principle amount and will add profit with it. So sir I am working on some project if almighty make it happen and Insha Allah I get money how to share profit beside principle capital with my relatives.

Investing with a Hindu

Q: I am investing Money with one of my Hindu friends. He always tells me that he is investing in chemical business and scrap business, because I have told him strictly that my religion don't allow me to earn haraam money? But he is always saying it is halaal income and I am investing it because I get good profit? I am just having faith in him that he is investing in halaal business. My question is 1. Should I invest money with him in future or not? 2. If in future if I get to know that all his money which I earn from him was haraam, what shall I do with that money? Will I will be punished for this from Allah Ta'ala? I make sure and ask him always to invest my money in halaal business and my friend also always tells my that he is investing it in halaal business.

Imaam performing Salaah in the state of janaabat

Q: If an imam performed Salaah in a time and he is in janaabat and he knows that he is in janaabat but still he became Imam and performed the Salaah, and he did this many times like more than 100 times and for different prayers, so now if he wants to make tauba but he still can't tell those people that repeat their Salaah because actually he also don't have any count of prayers so if he did tauba is there any possibility that Allah Ta'ala will forgive him?

Woman's I'itikaaf breaking due to haidh

Q: I made an intention for sunnah itekaaf in Ramadaan. Unfortunately I was only able to sit seven days due to haiz. (Mufti I had miscalculated my days.) I have sat 1 day in itekaaf as qazaa and my intention for the fast was for a Ramadaan qazaa fast. Is this correct or do I sit for 3 days in itekaaf? Is my fast correct? Mufti was I sinful in miscalculating my days? It grieves me greatly. Please advise.

Making wudhu with cold water

Q: I came across a hadith in which making a complete wudu under difficult circumstances is praiseworthy ("إسباغ الوضوء على المكاره"); one interpretation being when the water is cold. Can we choose to make wudu with cold tap water with the intention of earning this extra reward, even though warm water is also available? Or is the reward only when no warm alternative is available at all?