Parents always angry

Q: My parents are always angry with me. If I listen their order then also. They always hate me. Is there any Dua or anything else which can help me? Please help me. I am very sad. This is from few years before everything was Ok.

Sayyid taking zakaat

Q: A father who is not allowed to accept zakaah (due to his lineage) but due to him being unemployed and barely getting by he accepted some zakaah hampers and money. Is the hampers that he accepted halaal upon his children?

Mazi on one's clothing

Q: There were very small tiny spots of madhi on my undergarments (very much smaller than the excusable diameter) and when I make istinja the front organ is wet and touched the area but nothing got onto me so as the impurity was of excusable amount can I regard myself as pure even after the wetness from my body touched that area?

Making a mistake in the tasbeeh of ruku' or sajdah

Q: In salah if I make a pronounciation mistake in sajda or ruku while reciting the tasbeeh first time or second time and if I correct it in the third time, will the salaah be still valid or the moment I make a mistake in sajda or ruku the salah becomes invalid. If the mistake happens in sajda or ruku, if I correct it the total tasbeeh becomes 4 times and in other sajdas it will only be 3 times. Does this difference effect the validity of salah and how to correct myself when I make mistake in sajda.

Attending stage plays at school

Q: It is part of the school system in South Africa that students go for stage plays. Is it permissible for Muslim students to go for such events? Our school is a Muslim school yet the students go for these stage plays. I did not go for the play as I was told by an Aalim that it is not permissible. I would like you to write a very detailed reply why is is impermissible so I can present it to the head of our school.


Q: My father in law has four children two daughters and two sons. His eldest daughter died leaving behind three children, two daughters and one son. Her children are all married now. My mother in law is alive. He wants to know do the children of her deceased daughter inherit their mothers share in inheritance. He is survived by his wife two married sons and one married daughter. How will his property be distributed to his wife and children according to Shariah after his death.