Charging an extra fee for late payment

Q: I go to university and the university have said that the fees for the second semester will be 4000 euros, and they announced a deadline by which the money had to be paid by, and they said that anyone wishing to pay the money after this period of time would have to pay 4000 euros and a small percentage of the original fee on top, and the extra fee that will be paid will increase every day after the deadline day. So for example, if I paid three days over the deadline the university would charge me 4003 euros and if I paid 7 days I would be charged 4007 euros and 8 days would be 4008 euros etc. If i was to pay after their deadline, would this considered to be riba, despite the fact that I am not borrowing money from a bank to pay the fee?

Pants becoming impure

Q: Somebody in the house was sick and they got stains of stool on their underpants. That person was not aware. I am not sure that while changing their clothes their foot touched the impurity or not and now they have walked in the house etc. Do I need to worry about where they sat and walked. Please help.



1.A person has a big step down (e.g. 1m) in front of him. Would this be considered a sutra? i.e. if someone walks past in front he would see their waist

2. What would be the case if the step was small, eg 15cm?


Q: Is it permissible to perform a sajdah tilaawat starting standing up and finishing sitting down? What about starting sitting and finishing standing. I understand starting standing and finishing standing is mustahab. Sitting and finishing sitting is also fine.

Waswasas and doubts

Q: After I had showered I was checking to see if my underwear was wet so I could change it before putting on a new pad. I didn't feel any wetness so I decided to keep it on. But before I washed my hands I touched some clean clothes. I don't remember my hands being wet. What I can't stop wondering what if it was. There was no blood on my hands either that I can remember and the clothes I put back in my closet with other clean clothes. Were the clothes I touched napaak? How do I clean them all? Are the clothes that touched the clothes I touched in my closet now napaak? How am I supposed to clean them? My mom wont let me wash clothes if they haven't been worn. What do I do? Are they all napaak now?


Q: When I woke up this morning I checked my phone before I went to the bathroom when I saw dry period blood under my nails. So I washed my hands and under my nails thoroughly to make sure the is no more traces. If I touched things before I washed my hands but my hands were dry did the things I touched like my phone become napaak? Because I have heard things only become napaak through wetness. My phone didn't get wet at all that I can remember. so is it napak? I am a very doubtful person trying to slowly treat my OCD problem but I don't know what to do because I didn't wash my phone and I touched it after a lot during the day. Then the next day I saw some stuff near the main key I touched the day before. I don't know if it was from my hands or it is dust from before and now I don't know what to do? Is my phone napaak? If I touched it did I become napaak? If I touched other things after touching it do they become napaak?

Marital problems

Q: My ten years of married life is in trouble. The reasons are very common; different views and opinions, no understanding and many more due to which I am losing interest in every thing. First I used to pray and I used to show interest in all things. Now I have no interest in anything not in life at all. Small things make me to go in depression. I can't share my feelings to any one. My husband is not a good friend and we don't have physical relationship since many years but we stay together. When asked about this he doesn't feel any feminine qualities in me but he says he loves me very much. He always expresses negative opinions about me which makes me more depressed about my life and demotivates me. I try to be happy and good but small things make me irritable and hyper. Sometimes I badly need physical love from my husband but can not approach him because we don't have that comfort level and when I see him busy in work I don't want to disturb him. I need only a friend but whenever I try to explain my view of point he will tell such things that makes me guilty and feel like a criminal but he never thinks I became like this because of his behaviour. I always pray to Allah to protect me from choosing the wrong path. I can't share my feelings to anyone. I want to be happy but my heart is dead. I have two sons day by day I'm becoming mentally sick. Whenever I see other couples, I almost cry. I do not get that basic love and understating. I never demand anything from him he gets me everything I want but never understands what I want to say. He looks at my opinion in a totally opposite way. Please suggest me what to do or any dua that makes my life peaceful.

Reverting to Islam

Q: A friend of mine recently converted to Islam Alhumdulillah. As we live in a non-Islamic country, he needed to sign a form stating that he has knowingly and willingly converted to Islam and has taken the Shahada. This form needs to be signed in front of a policeman or notary by the Imam of his local masjid and also a witness from his family to acknowledge that they know of and understand his decision to convert to Islam. This form is mainly so that should he die, he is buried in the proper Islamic manner and his family who are non-Muslims cannot bury him otherwise. Obviously all other terms and conditions of being a convert to Islam with family still non-Muslim apply. However his parents have refused to accept his Islam and therefore will not willingly witness and sign the form. My question is, can another family member (e.g. his uncle) stand as witness to this signing and will it be binding? Is there anything else he needs to do with regards to this and his conversion to Islam?