Husband not fulfilling the needs of his wife and family

Q: My husband and I are married for the past five years but till to day he has not taken my responsibility and now we have a daughter and its the same with her. I have to keep asking for financial help from my parents and the income my husband brings is for his parents and siblings as he says they are his responsibility. I live in the UK and I get some money from the government because of my daughter and my husband expects me to run the house with that money. Even for our child's clothes I have to ask my parents. Please can you tell me where do I stand and what are my rights in Islam. I have tried explaining to my husband that me and our child are his responsibility but he does not understand and all this is taking a toll on our relationship. I will await your reply.

Waswasas of talaaq

Q: I am a mental patient and I have a lot waswasas in each activity. Every minute and second I have a lot of thoughts and what I think is repeated by me orally. I am very worried about this problem and this problem has been for 3 years. When I study I repeat one word many times and I cannot control it. Then to avoid these thinking I said to myself that if I think, my wife will be divorced on me. But I cannot stop thinking and in my mind the same thinking takes place. I say to myself to repeat the word "I have not given divorce to my wife". Now I have this waswasas in my mind that I divorced my wife. I am very sad about this problem. Please Mufti sahib give me a solution for this.

Bad thoughts

Q: I am a 26 year old Muslim boy. My engagement finished last two weeks. Some times I feel comfortable with the girl but sometimes I don't feel comfortable with her. I want to love that girl very much. I want to avoid bad thought of not loving her. Is there any solution to avoid these bad thoughts?

Paying off debts before going for Hajj

Q: I have a car loan with 0% interest and 20% paid as down payment. The rest 80% value of the car shall be paid within two years as installment. Otherwise the car will be taken by the Bank. So I need to know whether I can go for Hajj this year without closing this loan by handing over the responsibility to my brother and leaving the car with him to return to the bank in case I am not able to repay due to death.

Da'wah to non-Muslims

Q: I don't know everything about Islam but it is my duty to forward the little knowledge about Islam that I have. So I want to ask how to give dawah to a non Muslim. Should we start with inviting them to Islam or start a conversation and invite them later on?