Joining the Imaam in the last tashahhud
Q: If you join the jamaat in the last rakaat while the imaam is in tashahud, is your salaat valid or is it preferable to read alone?
Q: If you join the jamaat in the last rakaat while the imaam is in tashahud, is your salaat valid or is it preferable to read alone?
Q: If your swear in your mind in salaah, does it break the salaah?
Q: If you intentionally accumulate saliva and swallow in salaah, is your salaah broken?
Q: If you use clothing that has pictures with eyes and you cover it by wearing a jacket or jubbah, is your salaat valid?
Q: Is it permissible to read Qur'an at sunrise?
Q: If somebody tries to make me watch TV or show me a picture on their phone then what would be a wise response I could memorize?
"Many readers may not be aware that some ingredients of fizzy drinks such as Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola and others have been dissolved in alcohol." Dr Muhammad ‘Ali al-Baarr says in his book al-Khamr bayna at-Tibb wa’l-Fiqh so is it out of taqwa these drinks are avoided? or are they permissible? Please explain how they become taahir if alcohol is used in case I need to explain to others.
1. My mahram doesn't wear a hijaab and when she comes to stay at our home, my male relative (she is also his mahram) brings her to and fro from her house to our house and back in his car. She has been advised to wear the hijaab, but she is a jaahil who does not practise Islaam, but a little. Is it haraam for my male relative to pick her up without hijaab and to drop her off home without hijaab? My gut feeling is it is, but I would like a ruling. Does he share in her sin?
2. My mahram relatives would like me to visit more, but the problem is, in their house are women non-Mahram to me, who don't strictly follow Islaam, they free mix and don't observe purdah from me and I worry they would try to greet me physically, hug, kiss etc. So if I have fear and feel that I am weak and not confident that I can avoid this haraam then I should not attend, correct?
3. Does this count as 'severing relations'? Of course, if my mahrams comes here, I am not rude to them etc. We're fine. Is there anything such as 'severing relations' when it comes to non-mahrams like cousins etc?
Q: Is it permissible to go to the bathroom with a chain that has Ayaatal kursi engraved on it?
Q: Regarding a person having a small Quran in his top kurtha pocket, and whether going into the toilet would be permissible if:
1) The kurtha pocket is open?
2) There is a single press stud /button on the pocket leaving some portion slightly open?
3) The pocket is zipped closed, or has a flap over it and a button?
4) There is another pocket hidden behind the front pocket, which can be accessed by opening the chest buttons and putting ones hand inside behind the front pocket. This pocket doesn't have a button etc. Would keeping the Quran there and entering the toilet be permissible?
Q: I have a bad habit of listening to other people's conversations, and I know of the consequence and I repented and vowed to not do it again. I was wondering what is there to do when you can't find all the people you have heard. Is there any way to avoid the punishment on the day of qiyamah in my case.