Keeping a beard

Q: I am a Pakistani and currently residing in Europe since many years. I used to have beard but started trimming it slowly and now I shaved it completely. I did because my nafs was no more supporting me to keep it as I stopped doing salaat (prayers), and I used to do other major sins, zina, friendship with girls, drinking, etc with beard face. I started feeling that my beard is just by name and to show to others that I am a very neat and clean Muslim. Important thing is that when I used to do any sin with beard it also gives bad name to muslims in society. That is also correct that beard was a way in my freedom to do these sins. Now my friends asking me that you was better with beard but they don't know the reality but Allah knows my reality. Although it is true that not making salaat, shaving beard, and doing other sins is very bad and leading to Jahannum. My questions are 1) Should I start growing beard again when I am not performing salaah and doing other sins in society e.g. friendship with girls, zina, not protecting the gaze. 2) Is there any difference in the level of sin when doing it clean shaven and keeping the beard less than a fist? 3) Should I just keep a beard to make my friends happy again? 4) Should I make myself correct in terms of compulsory commandments (Salaat), stop doing sins, and then I should keep a beard or the other way around (vice versa). Please help me in this situation as I am very worried about it.

Hadith Question

Q: Is the following authentic (the Arabic and the translations): Allah Ta'ala says when my slave recites “Ar Rahmanir Raheem” (The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful) I say “athna ‘alaia abdi” (my slave has praised me through my beautiful names and attributes).

Unable to have children

Q: I hope that Hazrat is well. Hazrat, my wife and I have been trying to conceive for more than three years now. There has been one miscarriage in the middle. My wife was diagnosed with PCOS Cysts on the ovaries which make it slightly more difficult to conceive but not impossible. We have recently been referred to fertility Doctors. After a recent sperm test, the Doctors found that there are no actual sperm present in my ejaculation. Hazrat, what could I do about this? I feel extremely despondent at times as many of those who are married after us are becoming pregnant or have recently had babies. I know that this is all Allah's will but I sometimes feel sad. What can Hazrat suggest?

Doubts and stray thoughts

Q: A year back in my absence some people living in the house used to consume alcohol. When I came back I washed the utensils and made them clean. However I cleaned the glasses with liquid soap and water using my hand and not a sponge as I did not want impurity to spread. I also washed the glasses later on when some kitchen work was going on. Though I don't use those glasses but I feel that whenever it touches other utensils it makes it impure. Only recently I saw a black dot stuck on it. It could be dust etc as we don't use those glasses now. I'm being paranoid that what if I hadn't washed it properly those two times and it's impurity stuck. A pure utensil had touched the glasses and now I'm being very paranoid. I'm tired of this ocd problem of mine and sometimes I feel that religion is over burdening and I can't handle it. Please help me. As I fear that Allah will just not accept my worship and instead of praying I keep myself involved in all this.


Q: Can the jin be controled by a maulana and can he ask the jin to spy on some people like to whom a person is speaking or having contact with or right now what that person is doing?


Q: My father is married to one wife and has three sons and no daughters. He has four brothers and 5 sisters. How should he divide up the inheritance in his will for his family?