
Q: What is a muwakkil? The noorani jinn? Do they have a contact with angels? People get these jinns/muwakkils through doing wazifas of a silsila of qadria chistia shazlia etc. Is this correct?

Usools of the tablighi jamaat

Q: In the mastooraat programmes of the tabligh jamaat, some usools are, that ladies are:

1) Not allowed to give bayaan. Only speak a straightforward 6 points following the tarteeb without making it flowery and giving their own input.

2) Not allowed to sit on a chair and read the kitaab or speak the 6 points. To the extent that if a lady is elderly and normally sits on a chair then too she must sit on the floor otherwise she mustn't read.

I would like to know the basis of these usools if mufti can explain, the reasons ladies can't give bayaans, nor sit on the chair?

Dua paper falling on the floor

Q: I am a very doubtful person and in my kitchen I have printed a paper with the before and after food dua so my family and myself remember to read it. This morning when I went to go eat breakfast I was sitting at the table when my sister walked by and said the paper with the dua is on the floor near my seat so she picked it up and put it back on the wall. I didn't remember seeing the paper when I went to sit down so I don't think I stepped on it but now I can't stop thinking what if I did. It may have fallen after I sat down because i can't remember seeing it when I went to go sit down but I am a very doubtful person and now I don't know what to do? Will I be severely punished for my actions. I didn't mean for it to fall or not to pick it up or step on it. I'm not even sure if I did because I think it might have fallen after I sat down but now I can't stop thinking about it. What do I do? I am usually very careful with stuff that has Qur'an words on it to only touch when I am clean and now I don't know what to do? I keep doubting myself what if I stepped on it without noticing? What can I do now?

Haraam relationship on skype

Q: I am a student and I am 22 years. Alhamdulilah I am a Muslim, but I am in a distant relationship with a Bosnian girl via Skype. I have promised her to marry her while I was putting my hand on the Quran, and since that day and I'm committing haram!(naked, kissing...) despite the distance between us. I am seduced. I know it is haram this kind of relationship and it is not like that to get married in Islam, I feel confused, I want repentance. Wallahi I regret everything. She is also Muslim. I thought her much good but also bad things and habits. I try to avoid her as much as possible this last months so that I don't commit more sins, I seek solution for all this to stop. Wallahi I do not know how to do it. I don't have the knowledge in Islam. I already asked a Sheikh but none answered me. I do not question Imams here because I want to be anonymous and I don't want to unveil my sins because when Allah doesn't unveil them, I mustn't unveil them according to hadith. Tell me what to do, I have always loved and she loves me but I'm ready to leave her to earn Jannah and satisfaction of Allah but I certainly do not want to destroy and be responsible for her bewilderment or sadness.

Breaking one's Salaah


1) If a person's mother calls her whilst she is reading Salaah , and she is not sure if it's urgent or not, does she have to break her Salaah? Is there a difference if it's fardh or sunnat salaah?

2) If a person's husband is stuck outside the house because the door is locked with the key in and a lady is performing her Salaah, and the husband needs to come in then get farigh and proceed to musjid, should she break her Salaah. Again is there a difference if it's faraaid or Sunnats?