Reciting more verses in the second rakaat
Q: If an imam recites the 1st 15 verses (i.e. 1st ruku) from (1-15) of Surah Maryam in his 1st rakaat of fajr salah and in his second rakat recites 25 verses (i.e 2nd ruku) from 16-40, is the salaah valid?
Q: If an imam recites the 1st 15 verses (i.e. 1st ruku) from (1-15) of Surah Maryam in his 1st rakaat of fajr salah and in his second rakat recites 25 verses (i.e 2nd ruku) from 16-40, is the salaah valid?
Q: When the iqaamah has been said, then there is no prayer is valid except fard prayer for which the iqamath was said. Please explain this Hadith.
Q: Will a mazoors wudhu break when the time of tahajjud finishes or when fajr comes in?
Q: Does reciting a short letter long (like kawthar as kawthaar), and a long letter short (like 'alaa reading as 'ala) invalidate the salaah if it is done on purpose?
Q: After intimate relations if your impure hand touches some place like table etc will wiping with a wet cloth or tissue once clean the place or three times is necessary?
Q: Is it permissible to listen to the voice of a non-mahram female? Often, there is a female reading the news on the radio. Can one listen to this or should one switch it off?
Some people claim that the Sahabah (May Allah Ta'ala be pleased with them) would ask Hadhrat Aa'isha (Radiallahu Anha) rulings and learn from her. Therefore, the presence of female presenters on Islamic radio stations is fine. Is this justified?
Q: Is a person allowed to skip one surah in namaaz?
Q: Is it better to mention the full name of a newly convert non Muslim in his nikaah in the audience even though he has got a non Muslim surname (family name) or one just has to mention his normal Muslim name (Yusuf or Ahmad etc) and leave out his surname?
Q: Do I have to pay Zakaat on value of the rental property or annual net rent?
Q: I have read a Hadith from somewhere that says that if someone reads Surah Ikhlaas 10 times after Fajr or Zuhr salah, then that person won't commit a sin on that day even if shaytan tries to make him sin. My two questions regarding this are: 1. Does this mean it's impossible for this person to sin? What if right after he reads it 10 times after fajr or zuhr salaah, he curses or watches zina (not saying this should be done)? Since the hadith says this, then does this mean it's impossible for him to curse or watch TV which is a sin in Islam? 2. Is this hadith even authentic, and can you please send me the link to the source of this hadith?