Marital problems

Q: My husband was forced to divorce me due to my not conceiving and his parents never accepted me due to past history. I was finding it difficult to conceive and they made my husband divorce me. He didn't carry out with it however we knew it would be inevitable that he will remarry a girl from India or through the marriage sites that his parents will be advertising on. During the 'separation' I conceived subahanallah and naturally. However they in the meantime did find a girl that accepted to marry him and his parents and him promised marriage to the yateem girl from India. Now that I am pregnant which he was always hoping I would just fall pregnant his parents are not allowing him to be with me as they are furious that we lied and kept seeing one another. My husband wants to know if it is wrong to refuse a yateem girl's marriage after promise had been made and to call it off against his parents wishes and want to know how does he seek forgiveness for deceiving his parents.

Swinging couples

Q: What does the shariah say about "swinging", "swinging couples" which we now see is creeping slowly into our own Muslims in S.A.? What if both partners give permission and are happy with it?

Hyperactive child

Q: I have a 3 year old son. He was a shy child but now he has become very active. He plays so hard that he hurts himself and even becomes very angry and stubborn at times. I am 38 weeks pregnant and at home to take care of my child. Please give me a dua to calm my child and help to teach him to share and behave well.


Q: I just wanted to know if it permissible to go to Moulanas who give you taweez to wear with Quraan written on it? Or if they give you water to drink/ taweez to burn in your room at home? Like in SA we have lots of Moulanas that “treat” people this way. Is this allowed? NB: the Moulanas perform salaah, do not do anything that would be shirk etc. How do we know who is legit or not?


Q: All my good deeds done all my life are wasted due to wrong intention "raya kari". Satan is playing with me real hard. He makes me remember all my good deeds and disturbs my sincerity. Is there anyway I can get those deeds back? Can I be forgiven? How to avoid this attack? It comes again and again? Whether it's faraz ibaada or nafil. He hits on my intention and succeeds.

Associating with people who are not Deeni inclined

Q: When one's close relations are not Deeni inclined, but they think that they are and argue over matters, which they have no knowledge whatsoever, what should a youngster who is an Aalim or making the effort of Deen do? Responding to the family elders results in him/her becoming ostracised & keeping silent allows them to continue with nonsensical statements such as:

1. Those were Sahabah, we live in different times.

2. Conditions are different.

3. Praying Fardh Salah is sufficient.

4. What's the need to attend Majalis of Ulama attend Bayans or go in Tabligh etc.

5. We are doing Faraidh, which is enough.

6. We have to live and earn in Dunya. In such a scenario, where subtleties don't seem to have the desired effect, what recourse does a person have? When is it permissible, if at all, to disassociate with them?

Family issues

Q: I have some questions that are concerning me greatly. I am my elder sister's wali. My sister has received a marriage proposal from one of my cousins. However he doesn't read all 5 prayers, he only reads Fajr Namaz and attends jumah, he also listens to music, free mixes with non mahram relatives like cousins etc. I should let you know, my sister was negligent with prayer before but she does read all namaz's except fajr and she has also started trying to read fajr as I have continued to encourage and advise her. I feel my sister fears Allah now and is a good girl. Do you think it is wise for us to accept this marriage proposal? My mother has said perhaps my cousin could change after marriage and read all the prayers.

My other question is to do with myself, I have been trying to implement Islam fully into my life and because of this I have stopped conversing with non mahram women even those who are related to me like cousins, I don't speak to them, neither do I look at them, I have stopped watching TV for this reason as well as the fact that it is full of filth. My mother has said that, I have to talk to her friends when they come over to our house and I have to greet them with salam however I have told her I don't wish to do this, as some of her friends who are in their forties/ fifties however wear lots of perfume, make up and tight jeans and I refuse to talk to them but my mother says this is not allowed as they are her friends and is rude and that they are like my mother my mother also says I have to talk to my elderly female neighbour who doesn't wear hijaab and is a Christian, is this allowed Islamically? Also my mother and sister don't wear hijab is it permissible for me to go out with them? I have tried encouraging them to wear Islamically appropriate clothing, but it has not made a difference to them?

Can I go shopping, visit relatives, family with them?

I am working currently and my mother also has a job , she helps people with special needs and down syndrome with their shopping, tidying and the down syndrome man she works with understands girlfriends and relationships and she has to stay and help him in his home alone, she also buys musics cds, haram movies, haram food for him. Is this a halaal job? Please try to answer my question as soon as you can as I am very worried about these issues.

Dua before entering the toilet

Q: How is the dua before entering the bathroom to be said? Is it the top or bottom one? Some books say it as the top one and others say it as the bottom one. Both of them have a slight variation which is a difference between of not having a dhamma (khubthi) and having a dhamma (khubuthi) on the baa in the word which I've put in parenthesis (one without a u and one with a u). As you can see below, one dua has a sukoon on the baa while the other dua has a dhamma on the baa in the words khubthi/khubuthi. Why is there a difference in this dua, if it's the same dua, shouldn't it be said the same way in all the books, why do some books say it differently? And which one is the correct one? Also, do we pronounce the kasra on the last letter of the last word and say wal khabaaithi or wal khabaaith because the transliteration says khabaaith even though you can see that the letter thaa has a kasra below it in both Duas shown below.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبْثِ وَالْخَبَاﺋِﺚِ


اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ

Wazifa for barakah and halaal sustenance

Q: I am living in London and trying hard for a job. I get things but they don't work out. Somebody told us that we have black magic on us and that something is done on a lock and thrown deep is the sea so I remain unwell especially my stomach, which is true. I do have that. But what should I do? Sir I want to marry this girl her family awaits but since I don't have a job I can't ask for her proposal. Please help me. I am helpless and tired now. I am not disappointed. I belive in Allah but I seek help.