
Q: My locality had a whole weekend (13-15/2/2015) program in celebration of the moulood of Rasulllah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). I am aware of the "over importance" given to this as it is considered an innovated matter in the religion but do you know why this weekend in particular? Also the speaker mentioned that he would rather want to be seen to support Hussain (Radiyallahu Anhu) than Yazid. Can you also explain/clarify if delaying the athaan and jamaat salaah for other religious activities like lectures and naats etc is permissible. Then the masjid was heavily "decorated" with banners and flowers. Is this permissible? The people are known as Sunnis. Please advise.

Plucking the eyelid

Q: I have asked before if bleaching eyebrows is haram or not and it was halaal, but I have a question if I am only bleaching the extra hairs on my eyelid not eyebrows why is it haram to pluck the extra hairs if it is the same purpose?


Q: Muslims are using whatsapp to send photos of themselves, their children, non Mahrams and people at weddings to others. Surely even the most basic Muslim must understand that this is unacceptable. Can Hazrat enlighten us, in order that we may understand the mentality, as to why Muslims would do such a thing? Do they not love Allah? Are they not afraid of Allah?