Imaam making salaam while the muqtadi is reciting the tashahhud
Q: While reciting tashahhud, if the imaam makes salam, should we continue to recite tashahud, durood shareef, dua maghfirat and make salaam?
Q: While reciting tashahhud, if the imaam makes salam, should we continue to recite tashahud, durood shareef, dua maghfirat and make salaam?
Q: Is it waajib for a haaji to do Qurbani other than dam shukr?
Q: Why can we not sell the skin of the Qurbaani animal?
Q: If a person shoots a fish or kills it is it halal to eat?
Q: What is the Shar'ee ruling for wearing a saari if the body is fully covered only in front of mahaarim?
Q: I read Surah Alaq in salaah. I did sajdah tilawat and got up from sajda to qiyaam position. Now the question is, can I go into ruku immediately or should I pause for a while in the qiyam position?
Q: Will it be more rewarding to purchase one goat for R3000 for qurbaani (due to its size) but whose meat is hardly edible, or to buy two sheep which have good meat for the same total price?
Q: In exchange of R1000, will it be preferable for me to purchase one sheep which is large in size, or will it be preferable to purchase two standard size sheep for the same price?
Q: When making wudhu, how should the fingers be positioned during masah of the head? I have heard some ulama saying masah of head should be made with all 5 fingers with an open hand, or some say masah of head should be made with 3 fingers (middle ring and baby fingers). Please advise.
1) When 2 names are kept, eg Faathimah Zahraa, then is it fine -or not advisable- to call by only one of the names at times. Eg calling the child sometimes by both names, sometimes only faathimah, sometimes zahraa, is this fine?
2) When calling by both names together, would it be pronounced Faathima-tuz-zahraa', or Faathimah zahraa', or would both be fine to say?