Is (Alayhis Salaam) only mentioned for the Ambiya?
Q: Is Alayhis Salaam only for prophets or we can also use it for the Sahaaba?
Q: Is Alayhis Salaam only for prophets or we can also use it for the Sahaaba?
Q: Is there a mention of kalima-e-taiba (full kalima) in the holy Qur'an? If yes, where and if no then in which book is it mentioned?
Q: I want to know if the names: Aleena, Sabrina, Zarinah, and Aziah are Islamic and acceptable. And if yes, Please tell me if you know the meanings.
Q: I got engaged on the 3rd of August and joined university on the 4th August. I fell and fractured my leg in university itself on the 5th of August. Since then im not able to attend university. There is always something bad happening since then. My fiance and I, we never argue, but since our engagement we argue on every single matter and even when there is nothing to fight or argue about. I am feeling something is not right between us when everything is fine. I don't feel like talking to him much. And since I fell, I am having bad dreams each night and I am feeling and having an intuition that something is wrong and bad is going to happen. I read 7 darood 7 fateha 7 ayat ul qursi 7 four quls 7 darood and kalma before I sleep and still I am having these bad dreams. I am not being to perform namaz even on bed because I had my haidh but I am reading duas i know. I also feel presence of somebody when I am alone, even in namaz i feel somebody behind me and I feel very scared in my house. All this is happening just after the engagement. I dream about snakes on me, people and dogs running after me, haunted houses next to my house and people asking me to stay alert etc. Please help.
Q: Due to the recent political situation in North Africa my wife and I have lost our jobs and have had to return back home. Please provide a dua/wazifa that would help us find another prosperous job preferably in an Islamic country.
Q: Mufti Saheb you have helped me many times with urinary incontinence problem. My problem is getting worse everyday. Can you tell me how should I recite Qur'an because drops of urine come even at the time of istinja. I can't even do istinjaa properly, so please answer me how should I recite Qur'an?
Q: Is there any Hadith that clarifies women's Salaah in terms of postures?
Q: While performing salaah, I felt a small particle of food in my mouth and I removed it with my finger. Is my salaah valid?
Q: If a couple gets separated for some reason and the husband stops paying for the expenditure of his wife after getting separated, does it mean that their marriage has automatically broken? If yes, how long after the separation will the marriage break?
Q: If one has many years of Qadha salah can one read one ayah per rakah, eg. the starting ayaats of Surah Baqarah, is it sufficient to recite 1 ayah which runs into 1 or 1.5 lines?