Husband and wife living in different countries
Q: I came abroad after one month of my marriage. I do video chat with my wife and open cloths on cam and we both do masturbation. Is it haram? Please tell me?
Q: I came abroad after one month of my marriage. I do video chat with my wife and open cloths on cam and we both do masturbation. Is it haram? Please tell me?
Q: A person is performing two rakaats of a Nafl Salaah, either Tahujjud, Chaast, or Ishraaq. During this salaah, his wudu breaks. By the time wudu is made and he returns to repeat this broken Nafl salaah, the time for that Salaah expires.
1. Is Qaza necessary?
2. If so, should it be performed at any particilar time?
Q: In Australia, on two different days Eid was celebrated. Three groups of people celebrated Eid on Monday. They had the following three different point of views, They said because
1. Its already calculate by Ulama and the calendar is made.
2. Imam in the masjid near our house announced that its Eid on Monday. Although it was announced three days before night of 1st Shawwaal.
3. One group of people say, we knew on 29th of Ramadhaan that the new moon wasn't sighted but we checked different ahadith, and discussed with our friends, did some nawafil of tobah, we made dua and we decided that we will follow a masjid which is doing Eid early. Although they had three masjid near their house and two of them (one close to their house and one quite far did Eid on Monday ) and the third masjid, did Eid after sighting the moon on Tuesday.
4: This group of people, they celebrated Eid on Tuesday after receiving information from Australia moonsighting committee (
Question 1: Who is right out of these groups?
Question 2: While some were fasting on Monday, those who are fasting, are they doing sin by keeping fast or those who are celebrating, are getting blessings of Eid.
Question 3: One of us is wrong now. What should we day? Should we tell those who are doing wrong to stop this practise or should we be happy with all groups just to try to please everyone.
Question 4: Those groups who are dong eid on different days , can fasting people wish eid Mubarak to those who are not fasting and having eid. Please answer my all question, please. JazakAllah
Q: What are the different methods of performing eid salaah proven from Sunnah?
Q: If husband and wife rub there private parts (not intercourse) having cloths (not nude) during nifaas period and discharges. Is it haraam. I heard that having direct skin contact is haram from navel to knee.
Q: I am a divorced woman with two minor children. I had been through a difficult marriage wherein I was physically, verbally and mentally abused. Presently my children are with me. My ex-husband and his parents are demanding that I send my children to spend the day with them or allow them to take them for a drive or shopping etc. Due to my history I`m not happy with this. They claim that I am depriving them of their Islamic rights. Can Mufti saheb please advise us with the shar`i ruling in this matter?
Q: I have a lot of years of qadha to pray. I try to do as many as I can after each salaah. I sometimes perform it on a chair. My question is can I sit on a chair and perfom my qadha Salaah when I get tired?
Q: Can you please explain the procedure of making up numerous qadha Salaahs of the past?
1. I would like to purchase a vehicle but I do not have the capital. Can I purchase it through the bank with a fixed price?
2. Are medical aid and hospital plan permissible? If not, what is the alternative?
Q: I am thinking about marrying a woman who has a son already from a different person who is a sikh. I know its not allowed to marry someone out of religion. But the person who was married to her converted to Islam and did nikah but after couple of years he turned back to sikhism. Now the problem is where she stands at the moment. And she is also not divorced by him too. So can I still do nikah with her because its also not allowed to do nikah on top of the nikah as I know according to Islamic point of view. Moreover she is older than me almost 17 years but my intention is only to ease her problems and give her a happy life. Your advise will also help me a lot in this matter.