Reciting a dua in the middle of a Surah
Q: Could Mufti Saab please advise me on how one should continue after reciting a dua in the middle of a Surah.
Q: Could Mufti Saab please advise me on how one should continue after reciting a dua in the middle of a Surah.
Q: If one makes a mistake in the Qiraat of fardh salaah which did not change the meaning, what should be done?
Q: Could Mufti Saab please advise me if it is ok to use the belongings of someone when one is 90% sure that the owner will not mind?
Q: Could Mufti Saab please advise me on the following:
1.The best way to leave that which does not concern me.
2. How to speak less (when one usually speaks a lot).
3. How to remove vanity and pride.
Q: Could Mufti Saab please tell me wheather one should wipe the hands on the face after dua. What is the reason that we do this?
Q: Is it ok if one thinks that the sun may rise soon, performs the fardh of fajr and then seeing that the sun has not begun rising performs the sunnah?
Q: If I know a Surah of by heart but play a recording of it whilst reading (to make sure I do not make mistakes), will my Tilaawah (e.g. of my night Surahs) be complete?
Q: Is it ok to allow a child to give money (voluntarily) from their own money as sadaqah/ towards a gift?
Q: Is it better for one to sit (rather than stand) when putting on pants/ shoes?
Q: If one is fasting a Qadha of Ramadhan (due to haidh) will any ibaadat done during the Qadha fast have the same reward of ibaadat in Ramadhan?