Woman reciting audibly in Salaah in order to teach her child
Q: What is the hukm of the salaat of a lady who was reading aloud in all the jahri and sirri namaz with the intention of her child following her, thereby learning how to perform salaah.
Q: What is the hukm of the salaat of a lady who was reading aloud in all the jahri and sirri namaz with the intention of her child following her, thereby learning how to perform salaah.
Q: Please advise if a niece is allowed to shake hands with her uncles (mums brothers) and clarify all who are allowed or not allowed?
Q: Is it kufr to end a letter with "regards"?
Q: I would like some advice on how to cure the addiction of social networking sites?
Q: When marriage of a couple is commencing and the groom does not want to take any dowry from the brides family but the brides family is forcing that they want to give the things to their daughter, so does it come under dowry? If the money etc. is not taken, the relation may come under threat! What should the groom do in that situation and if it is taken then the groom will come under any sin?
Q: Is it permissible to eat the food which is given in fatiha. Is fatiha permissible in Islam? If we receive such food then what is the hukum for the food?
1. My husband has a married sister, she has two children and her husband does not have a regular job. He is not educated enough to get good jobs. He is a make up artist, so jobs are here and there. He does not want to do any other job apart from that. They have their own 2 bed property, their own new car, and they have some debts. So my husband's sister complains that she does not have enough all the time. My husband has 4 dependents already excluding me. Can you please tell me if my husband has to look now also after his married sister as well, who's dependent is she normally and is there any sin on my husband if he cannot help her?
2 His brother is in hospital for more that 20 days now in India in intense care unit, his expense in 20 are £1000,- who has to pay that? His brother never worked properly in his life was always away from home doing things a normal person will not do, but he has father's property. Does he get any part of the money even though he was never normal, never supports his family in any case apart from doing trouble. If he is entitled to the money can we remove the money for sickness and hospital and medication expenses from it. Please help me. I am worried for my husband and his health. He feel all the time guilty and thinks that he has to do everything. Please kindly help me and my husband to follow the right thing.
Q: My parents married out of community of property, but jointly owned a house. My mother passed away before my father. Mother left no will. My father made an Islamic will. He also typed on a separate letter that half of his share of the house goes to his divorced daughter after he passes away. He passed away leaving 5 children i.e 1 married son, 3 married daughters and 1 divorced daughter. Some are complaining that the separate letter defeats the Islamic object of the will. Please advise.
Q: I am a mazoor suffering from urinary incontinence (leakage of urine all the time). How should I recite the Qur'an and how should I go to peoples funerals?
Q: I'm the executor of my dads estate. One of the bequests was to pay my younger sister a stipulated accumulative amount on maturity of a fund that's held at Oasis. During this period of maturity which might take a few more years to earn. The amounts accumulated over the last 4 years,do we have to pay zakaat on the current amount, and the amounts over the last 3 years? The account is on my sisters name who is of age, although i'm in control of the account.